Phandalin Miners Exchange

The Phandalin Miner's Exchange is a trading post and guildhall in Phandalin that purchases materials from local miners.   The exchange is located to the southwest of Phandalin, and directly east of a trail used by the local miners. It is marked by a sign bearing an image of two crossed pickaxes over a lump of gold.   A lot of the villagers spend their time here, particularly those that have spent most of the working day around the countryside. All business is conducted on the first floor of the building.   The company purchases quantities of ore and gems from the miners of Phandalin. Each piece is carefully measured and weighed, and then its price is determined. In addition, the Exchange has a wide variety of goods for sale, including some illicit goods for those on friendly terms with the guildmaster. It is also the best place to purchase carts and wagons in Phandalin. It further functions as a records office, which registered claims to specific parts of the land, such as valleys, streams, and excavations.
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