
Axeholm is a dwarven fortress carved into a mountainside, within the Sword Mountains range in the Sword Coast North. The keep's crest is a dwarven gauntlet holding a handaxe.   It is located deep in the northern slopes of the mountain, about a day's travel south of Phandalin.

Purpose / Function

After being re discovered and cleared of the ghoulish occupants. The town of Phandalin used Axeholm as an evacuation site during the attacks from Cryovain.   Currently the castle remains empty.


The enterance to Axeholm is through an extensive but now ruined gatehouse. Outside the gate house a large number of ruined buildings can be seen, possibly used for trade and markets.   The large gatehouse was a small keep in its own right, with many rooms and halls, including a temple dedicated to Abbathor (the dwarven deity of greed). Through the rear of the gatehouse access was granted to the giant gates of Axeholm.   The lower halls of Axeholm included an imposing entrance gauntlet that opened up to the great hall, along with a large barracks and numerous guard posts. The dwarven protectors had easy access to their well-stocked armory and smithy. At the rear of the grand hall was the keep's throne room, as well as its dining hall and kitchens.


Late in the 14th Century the great green dragon Azdraka laid waste to the sword coast. Attacking Axeholm the dragon made his way into the cave, destroying the market and building outside the gatehouse. With all his might however he wasnt able to dig through the solid stone of the gatehouse.   So in spite and vengance the dragon waited outside the gatehouse for months until all the dwarves has either starved to death or faced the dragon in certain death.   Huge claw marks caused large portions of the gate house to be damaged and buried meaning it wasn't discovered until much later when the Rockseeker brothers, looking for wave echo cave unearthed the lost Axeholm.
Parent Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)
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