A7 - Live Stock

General Summary

A7 - Live Stock

1496.SU.37   Following the recent success and scrape with undead at the Dragon Barrow the party decided on their way to Phandalin to aid Pinchwit and her Gnome friends herd their 100 giant goats. The slow journey took the party over fields and through woods at a crawling pace. After a few uneventful days two Wyvern circled the herd but thought it wise not to attack such as large group of people.   One night however a family of roaming Ogres attacked the party stealing a number of goats. During the quick excursion two Ogres were killed and the others fled, some carrying a sheep under each arm. During the battle a few goats were toasted through lightening and fireballs, however the majority were saved. The following day the party and the remaining goats arrived at Phandalin to begin trading at Barthens Provisions   The different member separated carrying out their own tasks. Raziel found the Shrine of Luck ransacked, whilst tidying it up she found of the Zhentarim in the area when the iconic curved dagger was found nearby. Captain Albert Boatman procured wagons and horses for the return journey from the miners exchange and Barthen. Once this had been completed Beric Chamberpot had the company members carry out the loading of the wagon and other administrative tasks, whilst he updated the heroes on their progress.   Later in the evening the party decided to relax and drink with the locals in the Stonehill Inn. Whilst drinking the main door opens and a head pops in pears around and suddenly shuts. Tolbin Stonehill shouts out not again go away. Maple engrossed speaking with Reidoth didn't realise that the other members had left chasing after a mysterious man. The sober heroes followed him to a cellar on the outskirts of town and discovered he was hiding ghouls and was in fact a vampire. In the cramp basement the trio fight off the ghouls as Raziel lifted her holy symbol burning away the lesser ghouls, but the vampire was much stronger and was a tough fight, cornering the creature the three slash crushed and burnt their way to victory.   Later into the evening after Maple had many more ales, her business partners re-emerged battered and bruised, dragging her back to the manor for rest.

Missions/Quests Completed

Escort Pinchwit's Herd to Phandalin for trade   Uncover the Vampire and ghoul infestation in Phandalin.

Character(s) interacted with

Pinchwit - Gnome Herds woman, Raises Giant goats.   Reidoth - Old Druid, member of the Emeralds Enclave   Beric Chamberpot - Major Domo of Phandalin and District Shipping Company   Tolben Stonehill - Owner of Stonehill Inn at Phandalin
Big Trouble in Little Leilon
Report Date
02 Aug 2023
Primary Location
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