Redbrand Ruffians

The Redbrands, sometimes called the Redbrand Ruffians, were a group of bandits and brigands active in the resettled frontier town of Phandalin and nearby Triboar Trail region.   The Redbrands mostly consisted of humans, male and female, although a handful of bugbears were also in the bandit group. Each Redbrand wore a simple, dirty scarlet cloak. These cloaks were recognized by the undead in their hideout, Tresendar Manor, and stopped them from attacking the bandits. They were led by a treacherous Lords' Alliance member Iarno Albrek AKA Glasstaff.   The gang was destroyed when the Phandalin and District Shipping Company invaded their base of operations. Killing most of the members and imprisoning Iarno the last few members either made a menze in the village helping where the could or faded into the countryside.
Dissolution Date
Illicit, Gang