Iarno Albrek

(a.k.a. Glasstaff)

He is a short, dark-bearded human wizard that is simply known to most as "Glasstaff" for his weapon of choice, a magic staff made of glass, which was a staff of defense. Albrek had a rat familiar that served as a scout.   Iarno was initially a member of the Lords' Alliance, who was sent to the town of Phandalin to establish constabulary, however he grew weary of the endevour and was seduced by the temptation of power Nezznar offered. Iarno then created the Redbrand Ruffians, a group of petty thieves, criminals and thugs, which terrorised Phandalin and aimed to capture the Phandalin and District Shipping Company   Iarno was captured by the adventurers and turned over to Sildar Hallwainter, one of his former Lords Alliance colleagues. In turn he was incarnated in the Revels End Prison.
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