Woodland Manse

The Woodland Manse is a manor house built by an unnamed female half-elf wizard in Neverwinter Wood. As of the late 15th century DR, the manor lies in ruins and its real name is unknown.   The large two-story structure is made of stone and wood with a peaked roof, and had been grand in its heyday. A portico topped with a balcony marks the double doors of the main entrance, and the back houses a well in a flagstone courtyard ringed with pillars. In the years after its abandonment, the structure is crumbling, rotting, and has become completely overgrown with poison ivy.   The inside contained all of the trappings expected of both a fine manor—such as a parlor, dining room, and master and guest bedrooms—and a wizard's abode—such as a laboratory, a library, and a vault of magic items.


The wizard who originally owned the manse was a scholar of ancient elven culture and kingdoms, and built the house to be near to ruins in Neverwinter Wood. After she disappeared during an expedition, her four apprentices pilfered what they could from the manse and abandoned it.   Many years later, in the late 15th century DR, the ruin was claimed by the Anchorites of Talos, a group of half-orc wereboars dedicated to a primal worship of the god of storms, Talos.A handful of the anchorites moved into the manse, began carving or painting crude depictions of themselves and their god throughout the house, and started using the old laboratory as a ritual chamber. They also used the clearing to raise pumpkins and boars, and one of the anchorites, called Grannoc, managed to plant the seeds of a Gulthias tree in the ruined well in the manor's courtyard. This led to the appearance of blights under Grannoc's control being spotted throughout the Woods.   The Phandalin District Shipping Company whilst in the area stumbled across the building and cleared it of the Anchorites.
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location