Circle Of Thunder

The Circle of Thunder is a ring of large standing stones atop a hill located in Neverwinter Wood. The Circle sits atop a 90‑foot tall hill covered in trees. The ring itself is made up of eight stone arches, formed by 10‑foot tall menhirs topped with stone slabs 3 feet thick and 15 feet long. There is no altar within the circle, but instead a cleared area possibly used for ritual dancing. Just outside of the ring are concealed trap doors leading down into the caves beneath the hill.   There are three caves dug out of the hillside. Each cave entrance is buttressed with large stone monolith frames and adorned with crude carvings, inside are earthen tunnels.   The Centaur Xanth lived at the stone circle until he was pushed away by invading Half Orc Anchorites. They then used the area as a ritual site until they were stopped by adventurers.

Purpose / Function

The original purpose for the ancient stones is unknown. However Xanth used the area as his place of rest and home. The tunnels beneath the hill held his posessions and place to rest during storms.   Once the Anchorites took over the hill the tunnels contents were destroyed and used as crude shelter. The stone circle was then used as part of a ritual to call forth a storm.
Barrow / Burial ground
Parent Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)

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