Neverwinter woods Loggers Cabin

Tibor Wester's loggers' camp, simply referred to as the loggers' camp by folk in Phandalin, is a woodcutting operation in Neverwinter Wood operated by Phandalin.   The camp sits on a sandy beach along the southern bank of the Neverwinter River. The camp is comprised of only two permanent structures: a wooden building that serves as an office and tool storage, and a 25‑foot (7.6‑meter) dock where barges and rowboats are moored. Two circles of tents sit on the eastern edge of the camp, each with its own firepit.   The remains of two cabins which had been torn down sit to the west with a third ruined cabin—with its stone chimney still intact—sitting in the middle of the camp itself. This was after an Ankheg attack, temporarily distrupting the operation.

Purpose / Function

The camp is one of many logging sites involved in supplying lumber to the city of Neverwinter as it is rebuilding itself in the decades following Mount Hotenow's eruption in the 15th century DR. As trees are felled, logs are amassed on the beach and then loaded onto barges for transport downriver. While the lumber is sold in Neverwinter, the camp avoided buying supplies in the city in order to avoid the "devastation tax" charged by Neverwinter. Instead, the camp's inhabitants fished in the river and imported ale, oil, and additional food from Phandalin.


In the late 14th century DR, the camp was owned and operated by Tibor Wester, the brother of Phandalin's townmaster, Harbin Wester. In order to help Phandalins construction and to skim profits Harbin ordered Tibor send logs to Phandalin in secret without Lord Dagult Neveremeber knowing. In addition to avoid further taxes Harbin would arrange for guarded shipments of food and tool supplies to be sent to the camp from Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin every two months.   With the arrival of the white dragon Cryovain in the region, unrest that began with orcs in the Sword Mountains echoed its way to the loggers' camp when a group of half-orc spellcasters known as anchorites of Talos determined the camp to be infringing on their territory, and so set in motion a plan to destroy it. They used sticks and hair to craft crude effigies representing each of the camp's inhabitants, inscribed them with the symbol of their god Talos, dipped them in pig blood, and then buried them in the chimney of a ruined cabin at the campsite. These effigies drew bad luck to the camp, and soon a pack of ankhegs arrived. They erupted from the sandy beach on which the loggers' tents were pitched, spraying the loggers with acid and swiftly killing all of them before dragging their bodies below ground. Only Tibor himself survived as he was in his office where he barricaded the door and cowered in fear as he waited for rescue. The anchorites themselves saw no further need to be involved, and merely left.
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