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Agda Persdotter

Marchioness Agda Persdotter Stuart (a.k.a. The Survivor)

A local legend within Kythyss. The local old temple of Chauntea collapsed during a service, after a week of clearing rubble, Agda walked out from the lower levels. She took her new found celebrity status to rise in the political fields quickly. She stepped in for the previous governor, who had fallen to sickness. The people of Kythyss have looked to her as a vision of hope due to the current political unrest from Amn and Snowden to the south with the kingdom of Callidyrr to the north.   Her accession to the thrown was initially placed to vote, with the at time standing militia, the mercenary group The Masks backing another local merchant. Despite the mercenary groups opposition, Agda handily won the vote and accepted governorship role. During this time, just prior to her beginning her campaign she was joined for the Lord Fryndar Bullbelly of the nearby Blackstone Bastion. A towering presence, with Bullbelly seen as a bodyguard and protector of Agda the Masks were thwarted utilizing their usual methods of disposing political rivals. The Survivor, upon stepping in for the governor position, quickly made changes and steps which shown others she was shrewd and calculated leader. She appointed Bullbelly as General of Kythyss, recalling the standing Kythyss miliita as well as allowing Bullbelly to create a new Royal Guard.   Shortly after becoming governor,  Agda began a campaign focusing on the rich history of Kythyss to create a sense of pride with the local community based on the long and storied pass of Kythyss as a port city on the southern tip of Aleron. The people of Kythyss, worn from the long war with Snowdon and looked for a new sense of identity immediately latched to the idea of a strong central Kythyss with a rich powerful history and supported her efforts. Agda, as a step to identify as a free and separate Kythyss took the self claimed title of Marchioness, based upon ancient records of the Marchioness of old. With Bullbelly by her side with a new royal guard and militia, none opposed the new title.   Agda now rules Kythyss with a strong central militia and guard with a strong local following, she has met the Masks in their bid to rule the city to a neutral line and has matched their moves to a stalemate in the city, with lines set and known.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall noble woman whose presence demands respect while in a room meeting dignitaries or just the local merchant guild. An otherworldly allure accompanies the woman draped in silks and fur. Her skin is unmarred, flawless to the point of being alien. Her eyes are emerald, and they gleam with a mischievous cunning, an insatiable curiosity. Dark coils of curly dark red hair cascade down her shoulders and back, braided and perfectly coiffed with dark tips. She smiles with gleaming white teeth, and you cannot help but be awestruck—by her beauty, yes, but also by the strange and unnerving way she seems to look through you.

Apparel & Accessories

The Marchioness is seen usually in a light silken dress with silver trimmed jewelry and white fur edges. A jeweled trimmed dagger with a gold and silver hilt is usually worn on a belt, covered in runes and jewels.



Agda currently has reigned as Marchioness for the past 2.5 years.

Contacts & Relations

Adga is seen as very close to Fryndar Bullbelly. Prior to the Marchioness taking up her reign, Frynbar would rarely come to Kythyss from his keep. Upon Arda surviving her encounter with the collapsed temple, Agda had been seen with Fryndar as a sort of personal bodyguard for Agda, and has made himself available to Arda and served where requested and as needed through the city.    The Marchioness is know to be served by a large contingent of gnomes and has several gnomes whom she entrusts with her needs. Several act as 'Ladies in Waiting' while others take positions as needed for local government liaisons with the local merchant guilds, portmasters, and liason to the Masks militia in employ of the government. These gnomes, while friends with the gnomes serving Bullbelly, are a seperate group and can be identified in whose service they act by their uniforms and colors.


Agda speaks very formally when speaking, using full formal names to address individuals when the titles are known.

Wealth & Financial state

Agda's wealth is unknown, as the governor/marchioness she is given a stipend as head of state, but her family wealth or estate is unknown. She has displayed a possible large purse due to renovations throughout the city in rebuilding royal estates, however it is unknown if the financing has been of her doing or Bullbelly's.
While it is know publicly Agnes and The Masks do not agree on anything within the political spectrum, as the Masks have a contract for service to the city of Kythyss Agnes has upheld the contract over her years as Marchioness. The Marchioness has shown a strong sense for contracts and enforcing them, despite when they may be adverse to her immediate needs or wants. She has shown to several in the merchants guild she plans to play a long game.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Officially Agda is known and referred to as the Marchioness, based upon ancient titles for the ruler of Kythyss. The title itself was self appointed. She was officially elected as governor.
Curly reddish
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin
Related Myths
Known Languages
The Marchioness is known to speak Common, gnomish/dwarven, and elven. She has implied she may know additional languages including sylvan and draconic, but these have never been witnessed by anyone in the city.


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