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Chauntea Temple Ruins

Just outside the east gates of Kythyss along the main road lies the Chauntea Temple Ruins, a place of ancient mystique and untold secrets. Once a grand temple dedicated to the worship of Chauntea, goddess of agriculture and the harvest, these ruins hold a hidden history that has been obscured and covered up over time. Those who venture into its depths soon realize that the temple's structure predates the devotion to Chauntea, belonging to a deity long forgotten or intentionally erased from memory. The ruins stand as a testament to the passage of time, their weathered stone walls adorned with intricate carvings and faded murals that hint at a forgotten era. The main level of the temple, now exposed to the elements, reveals an open expanse where sunlight bathes the worn stone floors. This openness is a result of a catastrophic event that occurred a decade ago during a grand gathering to celebrate the midsummer solstice. The weight of the collapsing ceiling tragically claimed the lives of many, shattering the tranquility that once filled the sacred space.   Amongst the ruins, there is one survivor who emerged from the lower level after a grueling ten-day ordeal. Agda Persdotter, known as "The Woman Who Lived," has become a local legend, surrounded by tales of her miraculous survival. However, Agda seldom speaks of her time trapped beneath the rubble, leaving the truth of her experiences shrouded in mystery and speculation.   Descending into the lower level, one enters a realm of forgotten priestess quarters and chambers of study. An ancient library, its shelves now decayed and weathered, still holds remnants of the wisdom and knowledge of a bygone era. The great room, at the heart of the lower level, stands adorned with three imposing monuments, each engraved with the names of past rulers: King Valdorian the Wise, Queen Elysia the Magnificent, and Emperor Thaloran the Conqueror. The monuments, written in ancient runes, pay homage to their great achievements, forever immortalized in stone.   Within the great room, time seems to stand still as one gazes upon the faded paintings and weathered tapestries that depict the glorious deeds of these revered rulers. Their triumphs, now lost to history, are captured in art, a faint echo of a forgotten legacy. Amongst the splendor of the past, the remains of the ill-fated gathering and the massacre that followed lie scattered upon the floors. Skeletal remnants serve as haunting reminders of the tragedy that unfolded within these hallowed walls, their presence a silent testament to the fragility of life.   Whispers abound of spectral apparitions that occasionally manifest within the ruins, echoing the tormented spirits who were trapped within during the calamity. These ethereal beings, forever bound to the desolate halls, serve as a haunting reminder of the temple's dark past and the weight of the secrets it holds.   Behind the monument of King Valdorina, the group found a horrid mess of blood streaks staining the walls of the burial chamber and the dust disturbed from a great battle between two great enemies. Within the sarcophagus, a corpse of an elder vampire lay, drained of it's blood and with a silver enchanted dagger stuck through it's chest. the hilt decorated with magical gemstones. The group stood frozen, their eyes fixed upon the macabre scene before them. The sight of the blood-streaked walls and the signs of a fierce battle stirred a mixture of dread and curiosity within their hearts. Carefully, they approached the sarcophagus that held the corpse of the elder vampire, its once imposing figure now lifeless and drained of its dark vitality. The silver dagger, adorned with enchanting gemstones, captured their attention. It was a weapon clearly crafted for the purpose of combating creatures of the night. The group exchanged glances, their minds racing with questions. Who had fought this vampire and defeated it? What had led to this deadly confrontation within the sacred burial chamber?   As they examined the body, a sense of unease settled over them. The vampire's features, though now deathly pale, hinted at a once regal and commanding presence. It was evident that this being had been a formidable foe in its prime. The group couldn't help but wonder about the identity of the vampire slayer, the one who had delivered the final blow with the enchanted dagger.


During the spring festival of Chauntea to celebrate and bless the season's harvest, most of the Chauntea faithful, as well as though who only know to pray to the gods as it does not benifit to not, raised their new spring bell above the temple to ring in the new season. At the height of the celebration, as the bell was struck, the temple shook, which many saw as a displeasement from Chauntea. The temple quickly collapsed, crushing the faithful and those within. Over the next week, many from the city began working to clear the debris, however no survivors were found throughout the large slabs and ruin.   After a week of removing debris, a large slab was removed, revealing a chamber from which a local woman rose and cried in thanks of being rescued. She was the only survivor of the collapse found within the building. Others found below the temple in the corridors and halls below were lost to elements and of lack of food and drink. The woman quickly became a local legend, claimed to be the only one blessed and favored of Chauntea, although she herself states only she was fortunate to be in the right place at the wrong time.
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