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Wyvern's Tower

Wyvern's Tower is a temple face carved into the side of an old hillside. An ancient temple along the top level   This old complex definitely predates any of the current civilizations in the region. It was likely built by eladrian or humans in one of the recession eras of the Kale Elven civilization. Those areas still showing their original carvings on the walls bear ornate depictions of various demons believed to be the “gods” (or dreaded foes) of the humans in question. A mix of caverns and worked areas split over four levels and five zones, the upper section of the complex is home to a large family of Great Wyverns know to those of the area as Dakkir. Members of the family are often seen flying along the hills in search of prey as merchants travel the roads, and the whole upper area is covered in foul-smelling carcasses from past unfortunate travelers.   The third level is home to large spiders, who travel and stay to themselves.    The second level, which is the main entrance from the ancient roadbed which approaches from King's Road has a simple entrance from what appears to be a grand front. Recently the area has been dreaded in fear, as a beast of unknown had taken residence in the back deeps of the cavern and made home for itself in the shadows. Some unfortunate travelers, seeking shelter from the wyverns attacking from the sky have taken rest in the covered cavern, usually to their peril.
Recently the monstrosity causing havok on the minds of travelers over the King's road was a Balhannoth that had found it's way from the shadowplane to the dark beneath the mountain. This monstrosity, as well as the Wyvern family along the mountain top were all dealt with by the Brownbottles.
Over the ages, many mercenary groups, bandits, cults, and monsters have make home of Dakkir’s Rock. The original use, as those of a temple, palace, or fortress are unknown, although it has served as all of those over the past 1000 years. Over the most recent 100 years only random monsters had occupied the ruins, with spiders in the lower levels and a group of harpies along the upper ruins. The wyverns had attacked and drove the harpies out of their nests and claimed the hilltop for their own.
Alternative Name(s)
Dakkir’s Rock
Location under


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