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The WereBoar

The inn sets at the edge of the city along the main gate entrance from the Kings Road. It is the first Inn as one enters the city, and the last stop for drinks before leaving the city. A small gate and fence remain around the central inn, allowing for a horse stall and animal shed for the keeping of horses and mules. From the outside it looks folksy, welcoming and beautiful. The outer structure of the building is made mostly of bricks, with stucco and wood to fill from the latest renovations and repairs. The door is made of hickory planks, laminated for strength. It has a brass handle and is a split double door that is hinged on both sides and latched in the middle.   From the fireplace a delicious smell of the latest baked goods, for any meal through the day can be reached down the immediate street. As evening approaches the sounds of jovial singing and laughter can be heard as locals come in to get a drink and chat with the traders on their way to and from the towns and as they prepare to head north along the Kings Road.    A young lass, Velonia, greets newcomers and locals with a smile and laugh, she welcomes adventurers and traders to a drink, a table for a meal, lodging, or if desired offers some company through other accommodations.   Two (2) waitresses hurriedly rush table to table and back through the kitchen swing doors with drinks and meals, serving the tables with food or ale as ordered. The locals call out loudly to them whenever their mugs are empty hoping to get their attention.   At the bar, an older gentleman with receding hair and glasses wipes down the bartop and prepares drinks for those who order. Casks of common ale and wine are stacked behind the bar neatly organized with 3 draft pumps along the bar from dwarven casks in the basement. Spirits and liquors in bottles are neatly organized along the top shelf. He greets all as they approach asking what they desire that he can provide, with a wide gesture to the bar and drinks behind him.

Purpose / Function

This Inn serves as the primary entry and set point for adventurers and traders entering and leaving the city along the Kings Road. The tavern has stood for a long time and has had multiple uses over time, but for the past 200 years, it has been known as the primary tavern entering or preparing to leave the city.


Over the years, the building was originally constructed for other uses. It has been renovated over the years to serve as multiple uses. THe past 200 years as a tavern have seen little change in the main construction, with the roof and walls mostly just under repair due to age. The exterior is surrounded by an exterior auxillary wall, which over time has been taken down to only 1/4 the original height and only serves as a perimeter fence, to keep animals of the guests separated and safe from animals traveling in or out of the main gate.    The animal horse shed out the rear of the tavern has been largely unchanged over the years, and the stone building shows weathering age of a building as of one a thousand years old, with only the roof being updated or repaired as required.


See Myth of the Wereboar The building may be as old as Kythyss, and built about the time of the original Masks organization when they opened the Harbor. The stone foundation is similar, possibly built later in a similar style.
Menu -
Roasted Pheasant and Orange Pie, Glass of Brandy (5 sp)
Baked Chicken with Ginger and Onion, Glass of Brandy (4 sp)
Braised Boar and Dried Lemon, Glass of Gin (4 sp)
Dried Cod and Whey Cheese, Tankard of Mead (1 cp)
Shellfish Platter - 3 gp
  Mug of Baldur's Gate Pale Ale - 5 cp
Mug of Baldur's Gate Red Ale - 5 cp
Firesword Brown Ale - 5 cp
Common House Wine (Pitcher) - 5 cp, Current offering is Trulit & Greegon's claret (red) and Saerloonian Glowfire (white)
Fine Wine () - 10 gp (bottle) Offering Zzar and Elverquisst upon request
Moonshae Whiskey shot - 2 gp, Bottle - 20 gp
Evermead- 1 gp (bottle)
Coffee (cup) - 5 cp
Milk - 2 cp
Founding Date
Unknown, last renovation in 942
Parent Location


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