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Chapter 13: Farewells

General Summary

Date: 4th of Kythorn, 1491 DR

  The cold air of the mortuary grew still as Thah took his first breath. Disoriented and confused he scrambled onto the floor trying to comprehend what had happened. The Good Fellas explained to Thah about the situation and his resurrection, though the sore wounds and the darkness beyond the veil was still heavy on his mind. He stepped outside into the fresh morning air of Phandalin and sat upon the center of the town square. Meanwhile Garaele, confused that the spell had worked asked the Good Fellas about the preparations they would like to do to their fallen friends. She shed no light on what happened to Sildar or Ander, but offered to explain things once the adventurers have gotten their rest.    The Good Fellas needed a drink. They made their way to the familiar Stonehill Inn which during morning hours only had a handful of patrons enjoying their morning meals. As Toblen was bringing out drinks and food for the party, he told about the events that had happened while the Good Fellas were away. Nars, the young guard who the party rescued from the Redbrand Hideout had apparently stood up for the party. The rumors of Giant invasion were now more common, Frost Giants attacking in the north, while Hill Giants were pillaging the countryside in Dessarin Valley. Refugees had passed through Phandalin from Nightstone where Cloud Giants had attacked and stolen a large obsidian stone of which the town had gotten its name. This broke the barrier and memories began to overlap one another in Thah's mind. He remembered the events of Nightstone, his visit there and the attack. These thoughts were still muddled and unclear. He shared this information with the rest of the party, and they remembered the notes Thah had that Dirinor and Dei were studying.   With some downtime to spend the party went shopping for equipment and weapons, since Phandalin Miner's Exchange wasn't open for them to convert the found gems into currency. Afterwards they made their way to Garaele where the Good Fellas recounted the events of Wave Echo Cave to the young acolyte. She expressed the interest the Harpers would have to the lost knowledge of Weave inside the Cave and offered another chance to join the Ones of Harp. Thah took this offer and was handed the rank of a Watcher. At this point Sildar joined the conversation from the doorway and told The Lord's Alliance would also benefit from such capable individuals. He expressed his gratitude and asked the party to convene with him tomorrow before high noon.    At this point Nal told the party she would leave them for now. She bid them farewell and headed out north towards Neverwinter, eventually disappearing behind the horizon.   Then the party ventured back to Stonehill Inn to meet the recuperating Rockseeker brothers. They told about the lingering inhabitants still occupying the Wave Echo Cave and their plan to deal with them. The group went over the areas that could be used as of now and their need to find the Forever Stone. Gundren, who seemed more unresponsive than usual, offered them a map of the Savage Frontier as well as a more detailed location to the Corkscrew Mines. The brothers offered a 10% interest to the Good Fellas which would result in a steady income once the mines would be operational. The party bid farewell to the brothers and promised to meet them once the Forever Stone would be recovered.   Their plans led them finally to the Shandri's residence. The two-story house might offer clues as to what happened to Nomime's father. They investigated the signs of struggle and bit by bit the evidence would point out that there was more to this than a regular kidnapping; the toppled furniture seemed unnaturally placed and the equipment and traveling gear of Nomimes dad had also vanished. Ranvas found some notes of Nomimes mother about archeological dig sites around the Savage Frontier but the notes didn't seem to connect to one another. They also noticed that Glasstaff had disappeared roughly the same time as Nomimes father and speculated about this connection. With no more clues to be found, they made their way towards Alderleaf's farm.   The halfling farmer didn't have any clues of what had happened to Nomimes father but was shocked to see her joined up with the infamous Butcherers that were responsible for the dead corpses of Redbrand thugs in the streets of Phandalin. The group tried to argue that Nomime was capable enough to defend herself, but the mother could not be persuaded. The conversation ended when the halfling eventually gave up on trying to protect Nomime. Her brother waved to her sister as the boys were escorted inside. As the party was left outside Ranvas asked whether Nomime realized that she was leaving her brother like her father did. Nomime argued against this logic since she was trying to reunite them not abandon them, and the Triton didn't press further.   After a quick visit to the Tresendar Manor, the party was ready for their long await rest. During this night, Bene sneaked out from the Stonehill Inn and arrived after an hour back to his bed. When morning arrived, the party set out to visit the newly reinstated townmaster Sildar. The townmaster hall however brought down some unpleasant memories to some of the Good Fellas.    Sildar would hold a meeting in two tendays, where they would go over the changes in Phandalin. In this he offered the Good Fellas to chime in and give their opinions on the matters such as converting the abandoned Sleeping Giant Inn into a bank for Harbin Wester. Bene suggested that since the militia of Phandalin was ill-equipped and untrained, the Zhentarim mercenaries would probably be a good option to protect the town. Sildar wasn't keen on the idea, but he would think it over. He offered up the Tresendar Manor for the party as their own stronghold which would be renovated at the party's expense. He also named the Good Fellas the protectors of Phandalin.   Now before setting off to their next adventure, the Good Fellas had one more stop. They visited Garaele and prepared their friends for burial. The three coffins were escorted to the southern part of Phandalin upon a small hill. There as the wind gently brushed over the leaves, the former Butcherers of Phandalin gave their farewells to Dei Sao Dirinor Blackbanner and Firbo, their lost friends.

Rewards Granted

  • Milestone level 5
Storm King's Thunder
Nomime Shandri
Bene Lugosi
Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Ranvas Pahrunath
Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
31 Oct 2021
Primary Location


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