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Chapter 52: Into The Storm

General Summary

Date: 14th of Uktar to 15th of Uktar, 1491 DR

  The heroes had gathered to the Good Place tavern, dealing with the aftermath of their journey. They were unable to save Nomime's little brother and during their adventure, war had been declared by the Lord's Alliance against the Giants. The weight of the events hung heavy on their shoulders, but in the midst of their angst, a mysterious figure appeared before them.   The fey creature that owned Ranvas' name came seeking for the undying flower of Shadowfell Ranvas had picked up from the hag lair. He revealed that the fourth favor for the fourth letter would be to plan and perform a play to him and his guest within tendays. The fey emphasized the importance of the guest and hoped that Ranvas should give the play "his utmost best".    While the conversation happened, Nomime, in her desperation, bartered for the powerful fey to retrieve Andrew's soul from the hags. At first the fey wasn't interested, but eventually agreed to form a pact with the young wizard. She would offer her "undying servitude" to the fey as well as convert a hundred souls to the cause where they all would serve the Giftgiver. Nomime agreed and the fey promised to bring the soul during the time of Ranvas' play.   After giving Gurbak instructions to find Bene's remaining siblings, the Good Fellas made way to find Sildar. During a confrontation with the current acting-townmaester Harbin Wester, the heroes discovered a letter from Sildar addressed to them. In this letter Sildar told that the Storm Giants had agreed to parley with the Lord's Alliance and he would accompany the convoy north of Neverwinter. The heroes could act as townmaesters until Sildar's return or until Lord's Alliance would appoint a new one.   The heroes made a deal with Harbin and met with Garaele who had means to remove the dragon curse. The ritual would take a day to prepare, during which the party split off doing their own things. Next day the met with Garaele who had prepared the ritual circle and one by one removed the curse from the party. When it was Nomime's turn, she however suffered immense paying from the cleansing as a modified memory dissipated from her head, replaced by the original one.   Nomime remembered a meeting between the Cult of the Dragon and her mother. A young charismatic gentleman spoke to her mother about a deal Nomime's grandmother had made, but with her cooperation, Nomime's mother could keep her family safe. The man modified Nomime's memory after the conversation, which was now restored.   The heroes then teleported to the Maelstrom using the conches they got from the Giant Lords and appeared to the teleportation chamber. They came across a host of giants awaiting their audience with Princess Serissa. The sisters of Serissa dismissed the party to await their turn for their audience and led them to the guest chambers.    The party was however quickly summoned to meet the Princess and they appeared before the young Storm Giant Serissa, along with her advisor Ymira and the Storm Giant General Uthor. Serissa listened what the party had to say as they talked about the conspiracy made by the Cult of the Dragon to wage war between Giants and Lords Alliance. Neither Uthor nor Ymira entertained this idea since the party had no proof to strengthen their claim.   Serissa told the party that they could help by talking to the Giant Lords to delay the coming of war. The party agreed to this and returned back to their room to plan their next course of action.   Will the heroes gain the favor of Princess Serissa and help stave off the war that's beginning? What unseen threat looms over them as they meddle with the politics of the Giants? Can the heroes survive the ordeal, or will the Maelstrom become their watery grave?

Rewards Granted

  • Nomime gained 1 level of Archfey Warlock

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Teleport to the Hold of the Storm Giants

Character(s) interacted with

Storm King's Thunder
Neutral Good Half-Elf (Military / Infrantry)
Paladin 7
57 / 57 HP
Nomime Shandri
Bene Lugosi
Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Ranvas Pahrunath
Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
15 Jan 2024
Primary Location


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