Katrina Runesong Character in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Katrina Runesong

Katrina Runesong

Katrina's village was raided when she was a little girl, her father tried to defend them and was murdered infront of her and her sisters and brothers. Her mother was then made to watch all her sons killed to then be violated and killed in front of Katrina and her remaining sisters. This was done to show that life didnt mean anything to the raiders, who then rounded up all the girls from her village and sold them into slavery.   This all happened when she was about 12, and for the following 11 years she had been passed around, but as she grew up she was used for entertainment until she was won by Chance in a game of cards and he set her free. She is haunted by this though as she was able to stay with one of her sisters this entire time but when she was freed she left her sister in the hands of her captors and she wants to free any living family, or at least put her family to rest.   One of her duties, and the only solace that she found in her years of captivity, was dance. However, because she was objectified and abused, she associated this both with mental escape, and burning rage.


Kithguard Ilgalad

captor (Trivial)

Towards Katrina Runesong


Katrina Runesong

captive (Trivial)

Towards Kithguard Ilgalad



Kithguard Ilgalad was among those who held Katrina Runesong captive for many of the years of her captivity.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Katrina Runesong learned her dancing form of fighting by watching the likes of Kithguard Ilgalad practice during her years of captivity.


Rescuer (Trivial)

Towards Katrina Runesong



Katrina Runesong

Rescuee (Important)

Towards Chance




Chance won Katrina Runesong in a game of cards and then set her free. They parted ways shortly thereafter, but they reunited unexpectedly on Tymora's Luck the day it sank.

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