The Treasurer

The Treasurer is one of the Courier's enigmatic advisors. In charge of the finances of the entire Free Economic Zone of the Mojave, the treasurer has become more machine than woman to better facilitate this role. Complete with a cybernetic brain, limbs with built in recognition patterns for every vault in the FEZ, a redundant cybernetic respitory system to ensure she cannot be tear gassed, cybernetic audio systems, and cybernetic eyes to be able to instantly recognize surroundings. According to sources she has the ability to complete complex calculations and accounting in seconds, allowing the Courier to have an updated realtime number of all of the FEZ's finances.    The Treasurer's main base of operations is the Sunset Sarsparilla Headquarters in New Vegas. The reason behind this is her ingenious plan to help keep Bottle Caps in constant circulation, replace them. By getting the Bottling Plant back online, and producing Sarsparilla once again, companies who want to sell the new soda must pay in caps, and anyone who buys the soda, gets new bottle caps from the sodas. This cycle results in old, rusting caps to be melted and reused, while adding in new ones. At the same time, since bottles cost more than one cap, the FEZ is slowly but surely reducing the number of caps in circulation, thus conbstantly countering any sort of inflation, and any caps that are deemed to still be usable are placed in the Vegas Treasury. This method ultimately helps produce new currency while replacing, removing, and stockpiling old currencies.    By the turn of the 24th Century, whatever her original name was has been lost, except to perhaps the Courier. But in terms of power, the Treasurer is considered third in the nation, constantly keeping track of every cap flowing in, out, and around the FEZ.
Cybernetic, Magenta and Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, riddled with cybernetics and cybernetic limbs
5' 11"
180 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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