

  • Monarchy: In Favont, the monarch assumes a pivotal role, wielding decisive power in shaping policies. While historical practices, like King Leric's era, directly influence policy direction, contemporary monarchs rely more on the counsel of the Grand Assembly. This transition signifies a shift towards greater cooperation with advisory bodies. The monarch's authority encompasses policy enactment and the ability to expedite or obstruct significant legislation. Personal convictions find a platform through the monarch's voice, impacting the fast-tracking or disrupting vital laws, issuing pardons, ordering executions, and influencing media discourse.
  • The Noble Chamber: Favont's governance structure integrates noblemen, each representing a county, within the Noble Chamber. Their role involves deliberating on policies that resonate with country-specific concerns. Noblemen exercise influence by relaying their constituents' concerns and viewpoints to the Grand Assembly. This intricate process fosters diplomatic discussions for resolving disputes, while more complex issues involving legal intervention find resolution in the Favont Supreme Court.
  • Transition of Power: Favont's power transition mechanism has evolved, relinquishing traditional male primogeniture for a modernised approach. This transition now places the eldest offspring, regardless of gender, as the heir. This progressive step aligns with societal shifts and upholds inclusivity, allowing the most capable individual to assume leadership irrespective of gender.
  • County Councils: County councils constitute localised governance entities, instrumental in representing local concerns within the broader framework. Comprising elected representatives, councils gather concerns specific to their regions, subsequently informing noblemen who communicate these issues to the Grand Assembly. This feedback loop fosters grassroots participation. Elected individuals representing Magis, Nightwalkers, and humans contribute to the assembly's diverse composition, advocating for regional interests. Their service spans a maximum of twenty years, ensuring continuity and fresh perspectives.
  • The Ecclesiastical Chamber: The pervasive influence of religion in Favontille culture is embodied by the Ecclesiastical Chambers. Despite the Angelism Church's central leadership residing in Malagal, the local Church in Favont wields substantial authority. This influence extends over domains such as marriage, dress, language, education, and media content, contributing to the societal structure. Angelism teachings underscore class dynamics, elevating the Magi as individuals blessed with magical abilities. The Church perpetuates reverence for the Magi while promoting a contrasting culture of disrespect towards indentured servants.
  • The Guild's Nave: A dynamic meeting point outside the Grand Assembly, the Nave facilitates interaction between various segments of society, excluding servants. Here, guild lobbyists converge to engage assembly members, discussing policies that impact their industries. This platform extends to county council naves and social gatherings, where lobbyists advocate for guild interests. Although discussions lack formal structure, council members wield the discretion to engage with information. Guilds' internal deliberations within their guild halls contribute to informed advocacy by elected guild lobbyists.
  • The Supreme Court: Favont's legal backbone rests on the Favont Supreme Court's shoulders, characterised by a nuanced dynamic. While the monarch retains the authority to veto court decisions, exercising this power entails the potential for diplomatic embarrassment. The court's authority hinges on a thorough legislative review undertaken by the monarch, involving three stages. Justices, sourced from legal backgrounds, undergo approval from the Grand Assembly, culminating in the monarch's endorsement. These justices epitomise patriotism, faith, cultural insight, legal acumen, and respect.


  • Traditionalism and Heritage: Favont's steadfast commitment to preserving its historical roots is evident through various cultural expressions. Immersive battle reenactments, captivating theatrical plays, and enlightening museums transport citizens back in time, celebrating pivotal moments in the nation's past. Cinematic productions and television broadcasts consistently incorporate elements of Favont's grand history, weaving a narrative that resonates with national pride. Vibrant yearly carnivals, meticulously designed to showcase local history, industry, language, and traditional attire, serve as vibrant reminders of the nation's heritage. Attending these events is considered an essential act of patriotism, reinforcing the reverence for traditional values. Monuments and plaques dedicated to notable historical figures further reinforce Favont's reverence for its past. The deliberate choice to honour history rather than dismiss it underscores the nation's commitment to tradition.
  • National Pride and Identity: Favont's citizens proudly embrace their national identity, particularly those belonging to the coveted Magi or human species. These individuals proudly embody the physical attributes of tanned skin, blonde hair, and brown eyes, symbolising their deep-rooted connection to the nation. However, it's important to note that perceptions of beauty and desirability are notably influenced, as the appearance of the Ananan ethnic minority, characterised by pale skin, dark hair, and blue eyes, is met with less favour. A fervent nationalism permeates the culture, resulting in an insular attitude toward foreign cultures. The nation's dedication to hosting its own sporting and artistic events reflects a deep-seated belief in the supremacy of Favontille customs. This sentiment extends to an evident disregard for foreign influences, particularly those associated with the Ananan minority.
  • Religious Influence: The Angelism faith forms the bedrock of Favontille society, with its doctrines intricately woven into the fabric of everyday life. The church meticulously outlines customs, behavioural norms, and societal expectations, leaving little room for deviation. The Angelism Church is prominent in shaping moral values, dictating social standards, and influencing political decision-making. Adherents prioritise regular religious observance, engaging in many rituals deeply embedded in their daily routines. Deviation from religious practices is met with public scrutiny, ensuring adherence to the established norms. It's crucial to acknowledge the church's esteemed status, composed predominantly of Magi, which warrants unwavering respect. This respect extends to preserving personal reputations, professional prospects, and interpersonal relationships.
  • Economic Protectionism: Favont's staunch isolationist stance is paralleled by its protectionist economic policies. This unwavering commitment to self-sufficiency is achieved through comprehensive internal production, minimising the nation's reliance on external imports. Using indentured labour further bolsters the nation's capacity for independent production. Guided by a strategy of nurturing domestic industries, the government extends support to local businesses and guilds. The resulting economic landscape is a testament to Favont's resolute drive to safeguard its economic autonomy.
  • Media and Cultural Narratives: Favont's media landscape reflects an overarching commitment to cultural preservation and sovereignty. The government exercises meticulous control over external media influences, an effort designed to protect the integrity of the nation's cultural narrative. Stringent regulation and censorship are employed to ensure that cultural identity remains unadulterated. A careful alignment of media content with the values upheld by the government, church, and guilds ensures that the national narrative remains untainted by external viewpoints.
  • Hierarchical Social Fabric: Favont's societal structure is characterised by a clearly defined hierarchy that echoes throughout various facets of citizens' lives. This hierarchical arrangement is particularly pronounced within religious gatherings, where seating arrangements reflect social strata. The upper echelons, represented by the Magi class, enjoy the closest proximity to the altar, enveloped in a screen that shields them. The middle class, comprised primarily of humans, occupies the central pews. In stark contrast, the serving class occupies the rear of the church, or if space is limited, they stand. Nightwalkers, mindful of their birth race, either Magi or human, occupy designated sections. During church services, the screen is lowered, underscoring the congregation's symbolic homage to the Magi through bowed heads and expressions of gratitude to the angels. This hierarchical disposition is not confined to religious contexts but extends into daily life. A profound culture of respect governs interactions, dictating formalities and gestures that demonstrate deference to individuals occupying higher social positions. This adherence to social norms, supported by punitive measures, is a testament to Favont's commitment to maintaining social stratification. The middle class highly regards the Magi and Nightwalkers, a dynamic rooted in language etiquette. These norms mirror a broader cultural ethos that emphasises the deference and respect inherent in Favontille society.

Public Agenda

  • National Identity: Favont strongly emphasises nurturing and reinforcing its national identity, viewing it as the cornerstone of societal cohesion. The country aims to create a strong bond that transcends individual differences by fostering a sense of unity and pride among its citizens. This unity is essential for safeguarding the distinct Favontille culture, ensuring its values and traditions remain unaltered over time. The emphasis on national identity is particularly evident in public events, historical reenactments, and festivals celebrating Favont's heritage. The commitment to this principle is driven by the conviction that a unified populace is better equipped to preserve the nation's rich history and cultural heritage.
  • Social Structure: Favont's hierarchical social structure is a structural bedrock that underpins the nation's stability and order. This social arrangement is symbolic and deeply ingrained in the collective consciousness. The monarchy, nobility, and church are revered as the pillars of stability and continuity. Respect for authority and deference to those in power are values ingrained from an early age. This structure is reflected in daily life, from church seating arrangements to interpersonal interactions. The societal hierarchy ensures that these institutions' guidance is upheld, thus perpetuating the nation's cultural values and traditions.
  • Isolationism: Favont's commitment to isolationism is rooted in a strong desire to safeguard the country's cultural purity and preserve its unique way of life. By minimising external influences, the nation seeks to protect its distinct cultural identity from dilution. This emphasis is reflected in strict controls over media and cultural narratives, carefully curated to align with Favontille values. The aim is to maintain a strong sense of cultural autonomy, allowing the nation to control its destiny without the interference of foreign ideologies. This isolationist stance is driven by a belief that cultural integrity is paramount to the nation's well-being.
  • Angelism: The profound influence of Angelism in Favont is not merely a matter of faith but a guiding force that shapes behaviour, morality, and societal norms. The church's teachings are regarded as a moral compass that informs daily life. The Angelism faith offers spiritual guidance and moulds societal behaviour by advocating for respect, humility, and obedience. This religious foundation is apparent in various aspects of society, from dress codes to etiquette. The emphasis on Angelism reflects a deep conviction that adhering to its principles will result in a harmonious and morally upright society.
  • National Security: Favont's unwavering commitment to national security is intrinsically tied to its determination to protect its cultural identity and way of life. Favont seeks to shield itself from external threats that could compromise its distinct values by ensuring the nation's security. This prioritisation is reflected in the nation's defensive measures and surveillance systems, designed to prevent potential destabilisation. The aim is to create an environment where cultural continuity and societal stability can flourish without the threat of external interference. This focus on national security underscores the nation's commitment to safeguarding its unique heritage.
  • Economic Self-Sufficiency: Economic self-sufficiency is a pillar of Favont's economic philosophy, rooted in the nation's determination to control its economic destiny. The country seeks to ensure stability and autonomy in economic matters by avoiding dependency on imports. This principle is evident in the country's use of indentured labour to foster local production and self-sustainability. Economic self-sufficiency is seen as a means to preserve national integrity and maintain the nation's ability to shape its economic future according to its values and priorities.
  • Ethnicity: Favont's emphasis on specific ethnic traits reflects its commitment to upholding a uniform visual representation of the desired national identity. This emphasis aligns with the broader goal of preserving the nation's cultural image. The preference for particular physical attributes is rooted in the belief that these traits embody the essence of Favontille identity. Maintaining a distinct and recognisable cultural identity that reflects the values and traditions cherished by the nation is essential.

Demography and Population

Total Population: 67.62 million  

Age Distribution

Wealth Distribution
  • Magi: Approximately 1% of the overall population, holding the majority of the wealth and resources.
  • Nightwalkers: Approximately 2% of the overall population, with moderate wealth and access to military resources.
  • Ananans: Approximately 2% of the overall population, living in poverty and subjected to enslavement.
  • Humans: Approximately 95% of the overall population, with varying levels of wealth distribution, ranging from lower class to middle class. 60% of the human population are slaves, meaning they do not possess personal wealth.
  • Life Expectancy:

  • Magi: Due to their privileged status, they have better access to healthcare, nutrition, and resources, resulting in a higher life expectancy. Estimated average life expectancy is around 75-80 years.
  • Human slaves: Life expectancy for slaves is significantly lower due to their oppressed status, limited access to healthcare, and poor living conditions. Estimated average life expectancy is around 50-55 years.
  • Humans: Life expectancy for the non-enslaved human population varies based on socio-economic factors, with an estimated average life expectancy of around 60-70 years.
  • Ananans: Ananans have a normal life expectancy of 300 years, but due to their new status, this has been reduced to 150-180 years.
  • Nightwalkers: Nightwalkers are immortal and can only die by exposure to the sun.
  • Military

    • Army: The Army of Favont is responsible for land-based operations and defense. It is composed of highly trained soldiers, officers, and specialized units. The Army is known for its strength, discipline, and strategic capabilities. Its primary focus is to protect the country's borders, maintain territorial integrity, and support the government in times of crisis or conflict.
    • Navy: The Navy of Favont is the maritime force tasked with safeguarding the country's coastal areas, territorial waters, and maritime interests. It consists of well-equipped naval vessels, submarines, and maritime aircraft. The Navy plays a crucial role in maritime security, protecting sea trade routes, conducting surveillance, and ensuring the defense of Favont's maritime borders.
    • Strategic Operations Directorate: The Military Intelligence Unit is responsible for gathering, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence critical to national security. It employs a range of intelligence-gathering techniques, including human intelligence, signals intelligence, and reconnaissance missions. The unit closely monitors domestic and foreign threats, provides strategic assessments, and assists in military decision-making processes.
    • Nightfall Commandos: The Specialist Task Force in Favont is a highly trained and elite unit, similar to the Special Air Service (SAS). Comprising both humans and nightwalkers, this force specializes in covert operations, counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, and unconventional warfare. They are known for their exceptional skills, physical prowess, and ability to operate in high-risk environments.

    Technological Level

    In Favont, the access to technology is stratified based on social status. The Magi, as the ruling class, have complete and unrestricted access to advanced technologies. Free humans have limited access to certain technologies, while slaves are entirely deprived of technological resources.

    • Basic Technologies: All citizens of Favont have access to basic technologies such as hand tools, simple machinery, and rudimentary appliances. These technologies support daily tasks and basic needs but are not as advanced as those available to the Magi.
    • Limited Access Technologies: Free humans have limited access to certain technologies that are deemed essential for their roles in the economy or society. This includes basic communication devices like telephones or limited-use computers for specific tasks.
    • Advanced Technologies (Restricted): Advanced technologies, including cutting-edge scientific advancements and high-end electronic devices, are exclusively accessible to the Magi. These technologies include advanced medical equipment, sophisticated communication systems, advanced energy systems, and other state-of-the-art innovations.
    • Internal Manufacturing: Favont focuses on self-sufficiency and manufacture certain technologies internally. This includes the production of basic machinery, tools, and equipment needed for agriculture, fabrication, and basic industrial processes. Favont also ha specialized manufacturing capabilities in areas such as armaments, military equipment, and certain traditional crafts.

    However, it's important to note that the specific technological advancements and manufacturing capabilities in Favont are largely shaped by the country's emphasis on traditionalism, controlled media, and the suppression of technological access for certain segments of the population. The Magi, as the ruling class, exercise strict control over the development, dissemination, and usage of technology, ensuring that it aligns with their interests and ideology.




    Angelism is a polytheistic religion centered around the worship of the eight Angels. It is a deeply ingrained belief system that influences the daily lives and values of the people. The religion promotes a sense of devotion, virtue, and a connection with the divine beings known as the Angels.


    The tenets of Angelism revolve around the specific attributes and domains associated with each Angel. Steffen, the Angel of war, represents courage, strength, and protection. Merinosis, the Angel of justice and communication, embodies fairness, truth, and effective communication. Corinus, the Angel of wisdom and healing, symbolizes knowledge and compassion. Hepzibah, the Angel of peace, advocates for harmony, diplomacy, and peaceful coexistence. Dalmaria, the Angel of engineering and manufacturing, promotes innovation, craftsmanship, and progress. Lucian, the Angel of trickery, embodies cunning, adaptability, and strategic thinking. Larimus, the Angel of family and home, represents unity, love, and the importance of familial bonds. Esoter, the Angel of music and creativity, inspires artistic expression, inspiration, and beauty.


    The church of Angelism holds a significant role in the political and economic landscape of Favont. As a powerful institution, it wields influence over both the nobility and the common people. The clergy, led by the Angelic Clerics, plays an essential role in shaping the religious and moral fabric of the society.


    In the political realm, the church holds a strong influence, often serving as advisors to the noblemen and influential figures in the government. The Angelic Clerics provide guidance and counsel based on the teachings of the Angels, helping to shape laws and policies that align with the religious tenets and values of Angelism. They serve as moral compasses, ensuring that the decisions made by the rulers and the governing bodies are in harmony with the divine will.


    Economically, the church and the clerics oversee the management and distribution of resources. They play a crucial role in charitable works, organizing welfare programs, and supporting the less fortunate members of society. Through tithes and donations, the church accumulates wealth that is used to fund religious activities, maintain the temples, and support community development initiatives.


    The Angelic Clerics act as mediators between the divine and the mortal realm. They conduct religious ceremonies, lead worship services, and offer spiritual guidance to the followers of Angelism. Their role extends beyond the spiritual domain as they also serve as educators, scholars, and healers. They oversee religious education, ensuring the passing down of religious knowledge and preserving the traditions and rituals associated with Angelism.


    In summary, Angelism shapes the political and economic landscape of Favont through the influence of the church and the Angelic Clerics. It provides a moral framework for governance, guides decision-making, and promotes social cohesion. The clergy's involvement in politics, social welfare, and education helps maintain the religious values and fosters the well-being of the community.



    Non'ima'ta is an ancient and clandestine faith that was once practiced by the Ananan people. This forbidden religion is centered around the veneration of the three fates: Nona, Decima, and Morta, who hold significant influence over the lives and destinies of individuals.


    Nona, the Weaver, is considered the first fate. She is believed to spin the threads of life, intricately weaving the tapestry of existence. Nona is revered as the source of beginnings, birth, and creation. She is seen as the guiding force behind the unfolding of one's life path.


    Decima, the Measurer, embodies the concept of destiny and the measurement of time. It is believed that Decima determines the length and milestones of an individual's life, measuring the twists and turns that define their journey. Decima's influence is viewed as immutable and unyielding.


    Morta, the Cutter, represents the end of life's journey. She is associated with death and the finality of existence. Morta is seen as the fate responsible for severing the thread of life, determining when an individual's time has come to an end. Her role is viewed with reverence and a sense of inevitability.


    The followers of Non'ima'ta believe in the interconnectedness of these three fates, shaping the lives of individuals in profound and often unpredictable ways. They believe that Nona, Decima, and Morta are not only the creators of destiny but also the arbiters of justice and balance.


    Non'ima'ta is a faith steeped in secrecy and clandestine practices due to its prohibition in the land of Favont. The ruling powers of Favont have deemed Non'ima'ta as taboo and strictly forbidden from being practiced openly. Those who adhere to this faith often do so in secret, hiding their beliefs and rituals from the prying eyes of authority.


    Clandestine gatherings and rituals take place in hidden locations, away from the watchful gaze of the ruling class. Devotees of Non'ima'ta participate in intimate ceremonies, offering prayers and sacrifices to Nona, Decima, and Morta. These rituals seek favor, protection, and guidance from the fates, while also reflecting on the transient nature of life.


    The secrecy surrounding Non'ima'ta adds an air of mysticism and intrigue to the faith. Its forbidden status only serves to strengthen the resolve of its followers, who find solace and empowerment in their clandestine practices.


    In summary, Nom'ima'ta is a faith practiced in secret by the Ananan people in Favont. Based on the veneration of the three fates, Noma, Decima, and Morta, it emphasizes the interconnectedness of life, destiny, and the transient nature of existence. The forbidden nature of Non'ima'ta adds an element of secrecy and danger to its practice, as its adherents must conceal their beliefs and rituals from the ruling powers of Favont.

    Foreign Relations


    Law of Nobility: In Favont, the nobility holds a prominent position in society. The Law of Nobility establishes the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of the noble class. It outlines the criteria for nobility, such as lineage, wealth, and service to the state. It also delineates the obligations of nobles towards governance, defense, and upholding the country's values.


    Guild Regulation Act: Favont's economy relies heavily on guilds, which play a vital role in trade and manufacturing. The Guild Regulation Act governs the formation, operation, and regulation of guilds. It establishes rules for membership, apprenticeship, and the fair practice of trade. It also ensures that guilds contribute to the welfare of their members and uphold quality standards in production.


    Ecclesiastical Authority Act: The Church holds significant influence in Favont, and the Ecclesiastical Authority Act defines the powers and responsibilities of the church within the country. It outlines the relationship between the state and the church, including matters of religious doctrine, moral guidance, and social welfare. It also establishes protocols for the appointment and conduct of religious leaders.

    Slavery Regulation Act: Slavery is prevalent in Favont, particularly among the human population. The Slavery Regulation Act sets forth regulations and protections for enslaved individuals. It establishes guidelines for their treatment, living conditions, and basic rights. The act also defines the legal responsibilities of slave owners and provides a framework for the potential emancipation or improvement of the enslaved population.


    Media Control Act: In Favont, there is a strong emphasis on controlled media to preserve cultural identity and limit outside influences. The Media Control Act governs the dissemination of information, including print, broadcast, and digital media. It establishes guidelines for licensing, censorship, and content regulation to ensure that media aligns with the country's values, prevents the spread of dissenting ideas, and promotes national unity.

    Agriculture & Industry

    Favont, a wealthy and self-sufficient island country, boasts a diverse range of agriculture and industries that contribute to its economic prosperity and self-reliance. The country's commitment to traditionalism, nationalism, and protectionism has shaped its agricultural and industrial sectors, promoting local production and minimizing dependence on imports.  
  • Crop Cultivation: Favont's fertile lands support the cultivation of a variety of crops such as grains (wheat, barley, oats), fruits (apples, berries, citrus), vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cabbage), and herbs.
  • Livestock Farming: Livestock rearing is a significant component of the agricultural sector. Cattle, sheep, and poultry are bred for dairy, meat, and egg production. Animal husbandry practices are carried out with a focus on sustainability and high-quality standards.
  • Aquaculture: Favont's coastal regions facilitate aquaculture activities, including fish and shellfish farming. The country's waters provide an abundance of seafood, including various species of fish, shrimp, oysters, and mussels.
  • Manufacturing and Industries
  • Textiles: Favont's rich history of textile production continues to thrive. The country's skilled craftsmen, particularly in the guilds, specialize in weaving, spinning, and fabric production, creating high-quality textiles that are in demand both domestically and internationally.
  • Crafts and Artisanal Goods: Favont takes pride in its artisanal traditions. Skilled artisans produce a wide range of handcrafted goods such as pottery, ceramics, jewelry, woodwork, and intricate metalwork.
  • Engineering and Manufacturing: The country's emphasis on engineering and manufacturing is reflected in the production of machinery, tools, and equipment. The Magi, known for their technological prowess, contribute significantly to this sector, developing innovations in engineering and manufacturing processes.
  • Food Processing: Favont has a robust food processing industry, which involves the transformation of agricultural products into value-added goods. This includes activities such as canning, preserving, bottling, and packaging of food items, ensuring their availability throughout the year.
  • Shipbuilding: Given Favont's coastal location, shipbuilding and maritime industries play a vital role. Skilled craftsmen construct and repair various types of vessels, including fishing boats, trading ships, and naval vessels.
  • Mining: Favont has rich mineral resources, including deposits of coal, iron ore, copper, and various precious metals. Mining operations are conducted with a focus on sustainable practices and responsible resource extraction.
  • Fabrication: The fabrication industry in Favont involves the production of metal structures, components, and machinery. Skilled artisans and craftsmen employ traditional and modern techniques to create high-quality products. Favont's manufacturing sector extends beyond textiles and engineering. It encompasses the production of consumer goods, electronics, appliances, and other essential products required for everyday life.
  • Automotive Industry: Favont has a thriving automotive industry, catering to the manufacturing of vehicles, including cars, trucks, and motorcycles. The industry encompasses the assembly, production, and distribution of automobiles, with a focus on both domestic consumption and exports.
  • Refineries and Petrochemicals: To ensure energy independence and self-sufficiency, Favont maintains refineries and petrochemical plants. These facilities process crude oil and natural gas into various petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel, and lubricants.
  • Energy Sector: Favont prioritizes renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power, to reduce dependency on imported fossil fuels. The country invests in the development of sustainable energy infrastructure and promotes clean energy initiatives.
  • Pharmaceutical and Healthcare: Favont has a well-developed pharmaceutical industry that produces a wide range of medications and healthcare products. The sector focuses on research, development, and production to ensure the availability of essential medicines for the population.
  • Construction and Infrastructure: Given the country's emphasis on self-sufficiency, Favont has a thriving construction industry. Skilled workers and contractors are involved in infrastructure development, building residential and commercial properties, and maintaining essential facilities.
  • Favont's focus on self-sufficiency and protectionism has allowed the country to develop a robust agricultural sector and a diversified range of industries. The integration of traditional craftsmanship, technological advancements, and adherence to high-quality standards ensures that the country's agricultural and industrial products are sought after both domestically and internationally.


    Human Education
    • Basic Education: Humans in Favont receive compulsory basic education, which typically starts around the age of 5 and lasts for 9 years. It focuses on fundamental subjects such as language and literature, mathematics, sciences, history, and social studies.
    • Secondary Education: After completing basic education, students can opt for secondary education, which usually spans for three years. Secondary schools offer a broader range of subjects, including arts, humanities, sciences, and vocational courses, allowing students to explore their interests and potential career paths.
    • Higher Education: Upon completing secondary education, Human students have the opportunity to pursue higher education at universities, colleges, or specialized institutions. They can enroll in various degree programs, such as arts, sciences, engineering, medicine, business, and more. The duration and requirements for higher education programs may vary depending on the chosen field.

    Magi Education
    • Magical Academies: Magi in Favont receive specialized education focused on harnessing and mastering their magical abilities. They attend magical academies where they study arcane arts, spellcasting, magical theory, and practical application of magic in various domains.
    • Magi History and Philosophy: Magi education also emphasizes the study of the history and philosophy of their own kind, with a focus on the ancient traditions, rituals, and customs of their magical heritage.
    • Noble Etiquette and Politics: As the ruling class, Magi education often includes instruction on noble etiquette, leadership skills, and governance. They are trained to understand the intricacies of political affairs and the responsibilities that come with their privileged positions.

    Slave Education


    The education provided to slaves is generally limited and often tailored to serve the specific needs of their owners. Slaves are typically denied access to formal education and their learning opportunities are heavily restricted.

    Basic Skills:
    • Literacy and Numeracy: Some slaves may receive basic instruction in reading, writing, and basic arithmetic, albeit at a rudimentary level. This limited literacy enables them to carry out specific tasks or instructions assigned by their owners.
    Vocational Training:
    • Task-Specific Skills: Slaves are often trained in specific skills or trades that directly serve their owners' needs. This training focuses on tasks such as agriculture, manual labor, household chores, or artisanal work, depending on the industry or sector in which they are employed.
    • On-the-Job Training: Much of the slave education takes place through hands-on experience and learning by observing and imitating their masters or experienced slaves. They acquire skills and knowledge related to their assigned tasks through practical training and repetitive work.
    Cultural Indoctrination:
    • Socialization: Slaves receive cultural indoctrination aimed at instilling subservience and reinforcing their subordinate status. This involves religious teachings, loyalty to the ruling class, and adherence to social norms dictated by the society.
    • Suppression of Independent Thought: Slaves are often discouraged or even punished for expressing independent thoughts or ideas that challenge the existing power dynamics. Their education, therefore, focuses on conforming to the expectations and demands of their owners.

    It's important to note that the education provided to slaves in Favont is primarily designed to maintain control and reinforce their subservient roles within the society. Slave education is often limited to basic skills necessary for their assigned tasks, and opportunities for personal growth and intellectual development are severely restricted.


    The unequal access to education for slaves reflects the systemic oppression and dehumanization they experience in Favont, reinforcing the power dynamics and perpetuating the socio-economic disparities within the country.

    in gratia angelorum

    Founding Date
    Geopolitical, Country
    Ruling Organization
    Government System
    Monarchy, Constitutional
    Power Structure
    Feudal state
    Economic System
    Command/Planned economy
  • Accreton
  • Alford
  • Armskirk
  • Asbeet
  • Axminster
  • Barncombe
  • Black Hollow
  • Burrhampton
  • Catsburg
  • Dallen
  • Dalmleigh
  • Dawlish
  • Egremont
  • Esprite
  • Greenmouth
  • Grossmouth
  • Haltwhistle
  • Harbottle
  • Haxby
  • Hecate
  • Helmfirth
  • Holm
  • Ithrail
  • Kettleburgh
  • Kilerth
  • Larnwick
  • Leamarket
  • Lockinge
  • Louth
  • Lowland
  • Neston
  • Northpass
  • Prallport
  • Radnage
  • Ruthin
  • Sawham
  • Seddon
  • Selebor
  • Skeard
  • Steffen
  • Sutlea
  • Tarmsworth
  • Currency
    The Favont Aurum (₳)
  • Merin (₥)
  • 1₳ = 100₥
  • Major Exports
  • Textiles and Apparel: Favont's textile industry produces
  • high-quality fabrics
  • clothing
  • accessories
  • Fine Craftsmanship
  • Artisanal products
  • pottery
  • ceramics
  • jewelry
  • woodwork
  • Specialty Food and Beverages
  • artisanal cheeses
  • wines
  • spirits
  • preserves
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • medications
  • vaccines
  • imaging and diagnostic equipment
  • Renewable Energy Technology
  • solar panels
  • wind turbines
  • Major Imports
  • Raw Materials
  • rare metals
  • minerals
  • ores
  • High-End Technology
  • Advanced electronics
  • computer systems
  • cutting-edge technologies
  • Luxury Goods
  • vehicles
  • high-end fashion
  • premium consumer goods
  • Exotic Food and Ingredients
  • exotic foods, spices, and ingredients
  • Specialized Machinery
  • Complex industrial machinery
  • specialized equipment and tools
  • Legislative Body
    The Grand Assembly
  • The Noble Chamber
  • The Ecclesiastical Chamber
  • Judicial Body
    Executive Body
    Controlled Territories
    Related Items
    Related Species

    Strong Alliance





    Peren, despite a history of conflicts, has evolved into one of Favont's greatest allies. Cultural heritage and shared history play a pivotal role in their renewed friendship. Their relationship is based on mutual understanding, and they work together to address past disputes and collaborate on various initiatives.







