Stobal Hutz

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stobal's stature, measuring 6ft 2 inches, reflects a sedentary lifestyle, resulting in a softer and bulkier physique due to a lack of regular exercise. His consumption of indulgent cigars, rich fatty foods, and alcohol compounds his condition, showcasing excess weight and diminished fitness.

Body Features

Stobal presents a rugged countenance with short, curly greying blonde hair, lending a distinctive touch to his demeanour. His towering height contributes to a commanding presence, while his weighty frame indicates the effects of his indulgent habits. These elements collectively reflect his assertive and outgoing personality.

Facial Features

Marked by beady brown eyes conveying a shrewd glint, Stobal's facial expression hints at his calculating nature. A prominent, thick walrus-like moustache frames his upper lip, bestowing a sense of character and authority. His visage transitions between confidence and subtle scepticism, mirroring his assertive disposition and tendency to analyse his surroundings.

Identifying Characteristics

Notable for his commanding 6ft 2-inch stature, Stobal distinguishes himself within a crowd, despite lacking distinct scars or tattoos. His facial attributes, including the beady brown eyes and the walrus-like moustache, contribute to his recognisable appearance. His confident demeanour sets him apart, exuding an air of assertiveness.

Physical quirks

Among Stobal's subtle idiosyncrasies, he is inclined to absentmindedly stroke his walrus-like moustache during deep thought or concentration moments. This seemingly mundane gesture offers insight into his introspective nature and tendency to contemplate his surroundings while maintaining an authoritative demeanour.

Apparel & Accessories

Stobal's preferred attire comprises blue wash jeans and a camel sports jacket, complemented occasionally by distinctive accessories. A classic silver wristwatch with a simple, elegant design exemplifies his preference for understated luxury. Furthermore, a finely-crafted leather belt adds a touch of sophistication to his casual ensemble, underscoring his meticulous attention to refined aesthetics.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Stobal Hutz was born in 898 in the town of Rowley (Rawl'a), on the edge of The Stiriphese, to Eldric and Elara Hutz, who owned a bookshop dedicated to Ananan literature. Both of his parents were born in The Stiriphese. Eldric had human ancestry, while Elara was half Ananan by her mother. She was a Fallacia Ananan. Stobal was fascinated early on by his mother's ability to tell stories. She could create entire landscapes and characters with her magic. Their passion for stories fostered Stobal's imaginative pursuits from a young age.

Stobal's early interest in film emerged due to his exposure to the town's small movie theatre. Regular trips to the theatre with his parents ignited a fascination with storytelling and visual narratives. To him, it was his mother's gift made accessible to all. Inspired by the captivating worlds presented on screen, Stobal began experimenting with basic video equipment at home, honing his self-taught skills in storytelling and cinematography.

Even as a young child, Stobal relentlessly strove to succeed in film. He meticulously studied various aspects of filmmaking, from screenwriting to camera techniques, all the while seeking resources to refine his craft. His parents, recognising his fervour, encouraged him to pursue his passion and saved up between them to purchase a Super 8 camera.

Stobal's academic journey mirrored his determination. Excelling in school, he demonstrated an analytical mind and a knack for problem-solving. He expanded his film theory and technique knowledge through voracious reading and extra-curricular courses, gradually building a foundation for his future career.

During his teenage years, Stobal regularly participated in the Meno'slava, using this platform to showcase his burgeoning skills and connect with like-minded individuals. His ability to craft compelling narratives and his willingness to experiment with different genres garnered attention within the local filmmaking community, paving the way for collaborations and networking opportunities.

In pursuing his aspirations, Stobal, aged 18, moved to Seddon to attend the Seddon School of Film and Visual Arts. He further refined his technical abilities there, gaining a deeper understanding of film production, editing, and direction nuances. He graduated with honours and, with a small group of friends, started creating small indie projects that combined Ananan storytelling with Favontille culture.


Stobal's academic journey mirrored his determination. Excelling in school, he demonstrated an analytical mind and a knack for problem-solving. He expanded his film theory and technique knowledge through voracious reading and extra-curricular courses, gradually building a foundation for his future career.

During his teenage years, Stobal regularly participated in the Meno'slava, using this platform to showcase his burgeoning skills and connect with like-minded individuals. His ability to craft compelling narratives and his willingness to experiment with different genres garnered attention within the local filmmaking community, paving the way for collaborations and networking opportunities.

In pursuing his aspirations, Stobal, aged 18, moved to Seddon to attend the Seddon School of Film and Visual Arts. He further refined his technical abilities there, gaining a deeper understanding of film production, editing, and direction nuances. He graduated with honours and, with a small group of friends, started creating small indie projects that combined Ananan storytelling with Favontille culture.


Following his graduation from the Seddon School of Film and Visual Arts, Stobal delved into indie filmmaking with like-minded friends. Together, they embarked on a series of projects that defied conventions, blending Ananan storytelling with Favontille culture. This period was characterised by experimentation; many of his films are heralded as cult classics.

As a human who spoke Anana and Favontille, he could move easily between Favont and Ananan cultures. His work brought Ananan culture to the people of Favont, and he regularly used actors and crew from both cultures in his films.

Most notable was Hestia Herada, who delivered performances across various genres. Stobal and Hestia began dating in 923 and were married in 928. Their partnership, both personal and professional, flourished, leading to a creative synergy that garnered attention within the industry. Recognising their shared vision, they collaborated on several projects that showcased Stobal's growing prowess as a filmmaker. Together, they lived in a small suburb on the southern side of Ibaleban. During their relationship, Stobal created mainly Anana language films and television series, all of which Hestia stared in.

Hestia also had another child, Hannan, from her marriage to Han Marisa. Her marriage with Han ended in 921 after Hannan's twin sister was murdered. Unwell and unable to look after Hannan, Hestia placed him with their neighbour at the time, Aeryn DeSteffen. However, Hestia remained in his life and continued to see him. Stobal started forming a relationship with the ten-year-old boy and regularly went on trips with him.

In 930, Hestia gave birth to Aidan Hutz. By this time, Hannan was 17, and Stobal had long grown out of contact with him. They were a happy family for a short while, but Stobal was often away on sets around the country and world. The strains in his marriage with Hestia became apparent, and in 934, they decided to divorce.

At first, Stobal struggled, as he still loved Hestia, but at a private fundraising event in Esprite, he encountered Laniesti, a captivating socialite. Their connection was immediate, and their whirlwind romance led to a swift marriage. Laniesti's influence introduced Stobal to new political and social circles. It elevated his position in the Guild of Film and Visual Arts, which he had been a part of since university.


Beneath The Mountain


The pinnacle of Stobal's career arrived in 938 with the release of "Beneath The Mountain," a visually stunning and meticulously crafted film that portrayed Aeryn DeSteffen in the events leading up to the invasion. The film's portrayal of Aeryn as cruel, selfish, and disrespectful ignited controversy. Despite the legal challenges Aeryn's lawsuit posed, the case thrust the film into the spotlight, driving unprecedented interest and discussion.

However, the aftermath of the lawsuit marked a stark decline in Stobal's career prospects. While the controversy surrounding "Beneath The Mountain" initially attracted attention, the fallout from the legal battle made securing new film contracts a daunting task, and the Guild considered him a liability.

After the release of "Beneath The Mountain," Stobal and Laniesti sought refuge in a quiet town called Paget on the outskirts of Holm. The move to a large country house allowed Stobal to retreat from the public eye, shielding him from the aftermath of the legal battles. However, Laniesti struggled to adapt to this secluded life, leading to growing tension between them.


The Reconstruction and Aftermath


When the Reconstruction happened in 941, Stobal was in Ibaleban visiting his son, Aidan. A Nightwalker entered the house and attempted to take them. Hestia tried to protect her son but was killed by the Nightwalker, who also injured Aidan. Stobal put Aidan in his car, but he saw Hannan on his way out of the city. In a moment of anger at Nightwalkers and Aeryn DeSteffen, a Nightwalker herself, Stobal kidnapped Hannan and his fiance Nina. There was some truth to his actions: they would have been condemned to servitude if he didn't take them. He convinces Hannan that his adopted mother allowed him to be taken as having an Ananan child in this current political landscape would not have been a good look. In truth, Aeryn, believing Hannan to be dead, was left shattered by the loss.

Stobal's treatment of Hannan, now renamed Magan, took a cruel and manipulative turn. He subjected Magan to harsh treatment, moulding him into an obedient servant through a toxic mix of fear and control. Stobal's relationship with Magan evolved, transforming him into a confidante who endured affection and abuse.

As time passed, Stobal's relationship with Laniesti became increasingly toxic. The discovery of Laniesti's affair with Magan further strained their fragile bond. Stobal's misguided attempts to incite jealousy by involving Nina in his affair with her backfired, driving an irreparable wedge between him and Laniesti.


Post 948


When Stobal turned 50, Aidan prepared to attend university in Esprite. Stobal, Laniesti, Aidan, and Magan embarked on a journey to the capital together. During their stay, Stobal's fear of being discovered by Aeryn resurfaced when he learned of her presence in the city. In a desperate attempt to avoid her wrath, Stobal impulsively sold Magan without warning, sealing his fate and severing a crucial connection.

Stobal's life unravelled rapidly after the fateful sale of Magan. Laniesti left him, Aidan cut off communication, and Nina's depression led her to take her own life. The once-stable façade of his existence crumbled, leaving him isolated and consumed by regret.

On December 29, 948, Aeryn DeSteffen's arrival at Stobal's house marked a chilling culmination of events. Aeryn's anger and grief for her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren fueled a moment of explosive retribution. Stobal's life ended at her hands, a stark finale to a life marked by ambition, manipulation, and the consequences of his choices.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Innovative Filmmaker: Stobal's early passion for film led to innovative projects during his indie filmmaking phase. Blending Ananan storytelling with Favontille culture, his works garnered attention and acclaim for their unique narratives, visual flair, and cross-cultural exploration. These ventures are regarded as cult classics for their unconventional approach.
  • Cultural Fusion: As a human fluent in both Anana and Favontille languages, Stobal facilitated cultural exchange through his filmmaking. His ability to integrate diverse cultural elements brought Ananan stories to the people of Favont, fostering a bridge between the two cultures and expanding their mutual understanding.
  • Collaborative Partnerships: Stobal's partnership with Ananan actress Hestia Herada marked a significant achievement. Their creative synergy resulted in successful Ananan language films and television series showcasing Stobal's directorial prowess and Hestia's acting versatility.
  • Critical Acclaim: The pinnacle of Stobal's career was the release of "Beneath The Mountain" in 938. This visually captivating film portrayed Aeryn DeSteffen in a complex light, prompting discussions about power dynamics, ethics, and leadership. The film's controversy garnered attention and demonstrated Stobal's ability to spark dialogue through his work.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Libel Lawsuit and Career Setback: Stobal's film "Beneath The Mountain" portrayed Aeryn DeSteffen in an unfavourable light, leading to a libel lawsuit from her. While the lawsuit brought attention to his film, it also marked a significant career setback. The legal battle tarnished his reputation and made it difficult for him to secure new film contracts, ultimately limiting his creative opportunities.
  • Failed Marriages: Stobal's marital relationships have been marked by challenges and failures. His divorce from Hestia Herada showcased the dissolution of a once-promising partnership, resulting in emotional pain for both parties. His subsequent marriage to Laniesti also crumbled under the weight of toxicity and infidelity, further contributing to his personal failures.
  • Manipulation of Magan: Stobal's mistreatment and manipulation of Hannan, whom he renamed Magan, is a notable failure that reflects his morally questionable actions. His coercive behaviour, fueled by control and power, degraded a young man's autonomy and psychological well-being, leaving a deep scar on Magan's life.
  • Kidnapping and Disruption of Lives: Stobal's impulsive decision to kidnap Hannan and Nina during the period of political upheaval led to the disruption of their lives. His actions separated Hannan from his adopted family, causing immense grief to Aeryn and his extended family. The consequences of his actions reflect the far-reaching impact of his choices on others' lives.
  • Toxic Relationships: Stobal's involvement in toxic relationships, including his affair with Nina while married to Laniesti, showcases his emotional instability and lack of moral compass. These actions not only contributed to his failures but also had detrimental effects on those involved.
  • Loss of Close Connections: Stobal's inability to maintain strong and healthy relationships with his son Aidan and those he cared about, such as Hannan, highlights his failure to foster meaningful connections. The loss of communication and emotional distance further underscore his shortcomings in personal relationships.
  • Neglect of Professional Ethics: Stobal's decision to paint a false and damaging portrayal of Aeryn DeSteffen in "Beneath The Mountain" raises questions about his professional ethics. His willingness to sacrifice truth for sensationalism reflects a failure to maintain integrity and responsible storytelling.
  • Isolation and Loneliness: Stobal's final moments are marked by isolation and loneliness. The erosion of his relationships and tumultuous life choices led to his eventual demise as a lonely and embittered individual, alienated from those he once held close.

Mental Trauma

  • Witnessing Tragedy: Stobal witnessed the tragic death of his former wife, Hestia Herada, and the severe wounding of his son, Aidan, during a Nightwalker attack. These traumatic events shattered his sense of safety and left lasting emotional scars related to loss and vulnerability.
  • Forced Servitude and Cultural Destruction: The widespread forced servitude of Ananans and the subsequent destruction of their culture during the Reconstruction period profoundly impacted Stobal. Witnessing the upheaval, suffering, and loss of an entire culture instilled guilt and helplessness, despite his efforts to popularise Ananan culture.
  • Manipulation and Guilt: Though he shows assertiveness and confidence, Stobal's deliberate manipulation of people and sensationalising of stories for his films have led to feelings of guilt and conflict. His ability to rationalise his actions clashes with an underlying awareness of the negative impact his choices have on others, creating an internal struggle.
  • Toxic Relationships and Loneliness: Stobal's tumultuous relationships, including the mistreatment of Magan and his failed marriages, contribute to feelings of guilt, regret, and emotional isolation. The breakdown of his connections and his inability to maintain meaningful relationships exacerbate his inner turmoil.
  • Regret and Moral Ambiguity: Stobal's career-defining film, "Beneath The Mountain," which portrayed Aeryn DeSteffen in a negative light, has led to moments of doubt and regret.

Intellectual Characteristics

Stobal derives energy from external stimuli, exhibiting sociability, assertiveness, and an affinity for engaging with others. This orientation manifests in his outgoing nature, contributing to his networking abilities and capacity to form connections within the film industry.

He has keen attention to sensory details in his environment. This perceptual preference aligns with his interest in visual storytelling through film, allowing him to capture intricate nuances and translate them into his creative projects. His ability to observe and absorb information from his surroundings has contributed to his unique blend of Ananan and Favontille cultures in his filmmaking.

Stobal has a strong inclination towards objective analysis and rational decision-making. Stobal's logical and pragmatic approach fuels his pursuit of excellence in his filmmaking craft. This trait manifests as his capacity to dissect complex narratives, discern cause-and-effect relationships, and apply critical thinking skills to his projects.

While Stobal may exhibit a certain degree of adaptability in his creative process, he also maintains structure in his projects. This balance contributes to his ability to experiment with unconventional storytelling techniques while still adhering to a basic framework.

Stobal demonstrates confidence and a proactive approach to his endeavours. This attribute plays a role in his willingness to take creative risks, pitch innovative ideas, and persevere in the face of challenges. Stobal's assertiveness contributes to his capacity to navigate the competitive film industry and assert his vision within collaborative environments.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Moral Flexibility: Stobal's moral compass is marked by flexibility, allowing him to rationalise his actions to achieve his desired outcomes. He doesn't adhere to a strict moral code. Instead, he evaluates situations based on their potential benefits and consequences. This flexible approach enables him to justify exaggerating stories and manipulating others to achieve his goals.
  • Pragmatism over Ethics: Stobal prioritises pragmatism over strict ethical considerations. He is willing to exploit situations and people if it serves his interests or furthers his career. This pragmatic perspective leads him to view exaggerating stories or manipulating individuals as an acceptable means to an end, especially if it secures his success or influence.
  • Manipulation as a Tool: Stobal sees manipulation as a tool in his arsenal. He may believe that one must use whatever means necessary to rise to the top in a competitive and cutthroat world. This utilitarian view of manipulation might lead him to believe that the ends justify the means, even if it involves exploiting others' vulnerabilities.
  • External Image: Stobal is adept at projecting an outward image that masks any shame or guilt he may feel. He recognises the importance of maintaining confidence and assertiveness, which can help him gain the upper hand in professional and social situations. This image management allows him to shield his true intentions from scrutiny.
  • Value of Success: Stobal's philosophy highly values success and recognition. He believes that achieving his goals and leaving a lasting impact on the film industry is paramount, and he is willing to sacrifice personal integrity or ethical considerations to pursue these ambitions.
  • Short-Term Gratification: Stobal's personality type, ESTP-A, focuses on the present and immediate results. This orientation leads him to prioritise short-term gratification over long-term ethical considerations, often prioritising the tangible rewards of his actions.


  • Endangering Aidan: Stobal holds a deep-rooted personal taboo against directly causing harm to his son, Aidan. Despite his manipulative tendencies and willingness to exploit others, Stobal draws a firm line at endangering Aidan's physical and emotional well-being. This taboo is born from a mix of genuine paternal concern, and an understanding of the potential consequences that harming Aidan could have on his own personal reputation and familial dynamics.
  • Protecting Family and Servants: Stobal's circle of protection extends beyond his immediate family to encompass his loyal servants. He considers it a non-negotiable taboo for anyone external to his inner circle to treat his family and servants with rudeness, derision, or cruelty. This taboo stems from his pragmatic need to maintain a stable environment and a sense of responsibility for those under his care.
  • Respecting Ananan Ancestry: A significant personal taboo for Stobal revolves around creative projects that mock or demean his Ananan heritage. He is vigilant about not engaging in endeavours that undermine or belittle the Ananan culture. This taboo reflects his complicated relationship with his roots, a sense of duty to protect his heritage, and a recognition that such projects could tarnish his reputation and creative legacy.

Personality Characteristics


  • Ambition and Recognition: Stobal's fervent desire for success and recognition in the film industry fuels much of his actions. He craves the spotlight and strives to create films that leave a lasting impact, solidifying his legacy as a filmmaker of significance. This ambition drives him to push boundaries, take risks, and produce work that garners attention.
  • Retribution and Revenge: Stobal's thirst for revenge against Aeryn DeSteffen is a potent motivator, driving his actions to hurt her by exploiting her loved ones. His manipulation of Hannan stems from a deep-seated desire to exert dominance and exact vengeance for perceived wrongs.
  • Control and Manipulation: Stobal's manipulative nature stems from his need to assert control over situations and people. He derives satisfaction from bending circumstances to his advantage by shaping narratives in his films or orchestrating relationships. This desire for control is driven by his underlying fear of vulnerability and a need to maintain a façade of strength and authority.
  • Self-Preservation: Stobal's actions are often guided by a need to protect his interests and well-being. Whether it's maintaining his public image or shielding himself from the consequences of his actions, self-preservation is a driving force in his decisions. This motive sometimes leads him to betray relationships or exploit others to safeguard his position.
  • Material Comfort: Stobal's indulgent lifestyle and fondness for luxury reflect a motivation for material comfort. He seeks to enjoy life's pleasures, including fine foods, cigars, and alcohol. This desire for material indulgence is intertwined with his pursuit of immediate gratification, often taking precedence over long-term considerations.
  • Personal Legacy: Stobal's desire to leave behind a lasting legacy drives him to create works that will be remembered even beyond his lifetime. This aspiration contributes to his dedication to filmmaking and his quest to make a significant mark on the industry. He wants to be remembered as an influential figure who shaped the cinematic landscape.
  • Connection and Influence: Stobal values connections and influence within the film industry and social circles. His relationships serve as a means to access opportunities and gain advantages. He is motivated to be at the forefront of relevant networks and to use these connections to further his goals.
  • Validation of Ananan Identity: Stobal's dual heritage as a human and an Ananan subtly influences his motivations. He aims to validate his Ananan identity and bridge the gap between the two cultures through his films and collaborations. This also ties into his complex relationship with Hestia and Hannan.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


  • Filmmaking Expertise: Stobal's deep understanding of filmmaking techniques, storytelling, and visual aesthetics enables him to craft compelling narratives and produce visually captivating films. He is well-versed in various aspects of filmmaking, from screenwriting to editing, allowing him to create impactful cinematic works.
  • Networking and Connections: Stobal's extroverted personality and innate charm make him skilled at building and maintaining relationships within the film industry. His ability to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds allows him to navigate various social circles, gaining access to valuable resources and opportunities.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Stobal's familiarity with both Ananan and Favontille cultures grants him a unique perspective, which he leverages to create cross-cultural cinematic projects. His cultural sensitivity allows him to bring authenticity and depth to his works, appealing to a broader audience.
  • Manipulation and Persuasion: Stobal's innate manipulative tendencies and charismatic demeanour make him adept at persuading and influencing others. He excels at crafting narratives and tailoring his communication to manipulate emotions and opinions to suit his agenda.
  • Crisis Management: Stobal's pragmatic approach enables him to navigate crises and challenges with a level head. He can quickly assess situations, identify solutions, and adapt his strategies to mitigate the impact of setbacks on his career and personal life.
  • Image Projection: Stobal's ability to project a confident and assertive image masks his inner vulnerabilities and insecurities. His mastery of managing how others perceive him allows him to maintain control over his public persona and manipulate the narratives surrounding him.
  • Resource Utilisation: Stobal's pragmatic and resourceful nature aids him in making the most of available opportunities. He can effectively allocate resources, both in terms of finances and personnel, to optimise the outcome of his projects.
  • Cinematic Storytelling: Stobal's talent for storytelling enables him to craft narratives that resonate with audiences. He can manipulate emotions, create suspense, and build engagement through his skilful use of cinematic techniques.
  • Navigating Political Circles: Stobal's marriage to Laniesti and involvement in political and social circles highlight his ability to navigate complex environments. He can leverage his connections to gain insights and advantages in these spheres.
  • Short-Term Strategic Thinking: Stobal's tendency to focus on immediate outcomes rather than long-term consequences allows him to make quick decisions that can yield short-term gains, even if they come at the expense of ethical considerations.


  • Emotional Intelligence: Stobal's focus on his goals often blinds him to the emotions and feelings of those around him. He struggles to empathise with others and can disregard their emotional needs to pursue personal gain.
  • Long-Term Planning: Stobal's short-term perspective and impulsive nature hinder his ability to create comprehensive long-term plans. He tends to prioritise immediate gratification over considering the potential consequences of his actions in the future.
  • Sustainable Relationships: Stobal's tendency to manipulate and exploit others undermines his ability to cultivate genuine and lasting relationships. He struggles to build trust and meaningful connections, often causing strain and instability in his personal and professional interactions.
  • Ethical Considerations: Stobal's willingness to manipulate and exaggerate stories for personal gain highlights his lack of strong ethical principles. He often fails to fully comprehend the moral implications of his actions, leading to decisions that negatively impact others.
  • Self-Reflection: Stobal's assertive and confident demeanour often prevents him from deep introspection. He struggles to acknowledge his flaws and errors, inhibiting his growth and understanding of his motivations.
  • Adaptation to Change: Stobal's rigid approach to his goals and aspirations can hinder his ability to adapt to unexpected changes or challenges. He can become frustrated when situations don't align with his initial plans.
  • Family Dynamics: Stobal's inability to maintain stable family relationships, evident in his troubled marriages and strained connections with his son, reflects his ineptitude in fostering healthy and nurturing familial bonds.
  • Physical Health Management: Stobal's sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, and excessive consumption of alcohol contribute to his deteriorating physical condition. He lacks the discipline and motivation to prioritise his health and well-being.
  • Long-Term Career Strategy: Stobal's focus on short-term gains and sensationalism hinders his ability to devise a cohesive long-term career strategy. He struggles to see beyond the immediate attention and controversy generated by his actions.
  • Understanding Deep Emotions: Stobal's tendency to compartmentalise his emotions and prioritise his ambitions hinders his ability to comprehend and engage with complex emotions such as grief, remorse, or profound empathy.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Fine Cigars: Stobal relishes the taste and aroma of high-quality cigars. Lighting a cigar provides him with a momentary escape from the demands of his life, allowing him to savour the indulgence and momentarily detach from his surroundings.
  • Rich Whiskies: Stobal has a penchant for aged, richly flavoured whiskies. The warmth of each sip resonates with his desire for luxury and sophistication, offering a sensory experience that aligns with his refined tastes.
  • Classic Silver Accessories: Stobal enjoys adorning himself with classic silver accessories like his wristwatch and a tasteful tie clip. These understated yet elegant pieces reflect his preference for timeless aesthetics and a touch of sophistication.
  • Old-Fashioned Bar Setting: Stobal enjoys the ambience of a dimly lit, old-fashioned bar. The combination of soft lighting, polished wood, and the gentle clinking of glasses creates an atmosphere where he can unwind and feel at ease.
  • Fine Dining Experiences: Stobal appreciates the artistry of fine dining, relishing the delicate presentation and harmonious flavours of gourmet dishes. Dining at an upscale restaurant appeals to his desire for opulence and attention to detail.
  • Exclusive Private Events: Stobal thrives in exclusive social events where influential figures gather. These occasions provide him with opportunities to network, showcase his assertive presence, and bask in the attention and recognition of his peers.
  • Insubordination: Stobal despises any form of insubordination or defiance from those he considers beneath him. He expects obedience and respect from his servants and employees, showing little tolerance for those who challenge his authority.
  • Lack of Control: Stobal finds discomfort when he lacks control or influence. He prefers to be the orchestrator of events and dislikes being in scenarios where he cannot manipulate outcomes to his advantage.
  • Neglect of Appearance: Stobal is put off by individuals who neglect their appearance or lack a sense of style. He values polished aesthetics and views those disregarding their presentation as lacking attention to detail and self-care.
  • Public Humiliation: Stobal resents instances of public humiliation or embarrassment. His assertive demeanour is deeply threatened by experiences undermining his carefully constructed image and authority.
  • Critiques of His Work: Stobal reacts defensively to critiques of his films or creative projects. He takes immense pride in his work and struggles to accept negative feedback, often viewing it as a personal attack on his capabilities and achievements.
  • Predictability: Stobal dislikes situations that lack novelty or surprise. He thrives on excitement and tends to lose interest in environments or experiences that become monotonous or fail to captivate his attention.

Virtues & Personality perks


  • Resourcefulness: Stobal's ability to make the most of available resources showcases his resourcefulness. He can efficiently allocate funds, personnel, and materials to optimise project outcomes.
  • Resilience: Stobal's resilience shines through when navigating crises and challenges. His pragmatic approach allows him to adapt to setbacks, quickly identify solutions, and continue pursuing his goals.
  • Confidence: Stobal exudes confidence in his interactions, projecting a strong and assertive image. This confidence allows him to take risks, lead projects, and command attention professionally and socially.
  • Innovation: Stobal's innovative approach to filmmaking and storytelling sets him apart. He constantly seeks fresh angles and ideas to create captivating narratives that captivate audiences.
  • Networking Skills: Stobal's social acumen enables him to build and maintain extensive networks within the film industry. His ability to connect with diverse individuals helps him access valuable opportunities and resources.


  • Charisma: Stobal possesses an innate charisma that draws people to him. His charm and magnetic personality make it easier for him to influence and persuade others to align with his objectives.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Stobal's familiarity with Ananan and Favontille cultures grants him an advantage in creating cross-cultural projects. He can blend elements from both cultures to produce works that resonate with a broader audience.
  • Quick Decision-Making: Stobal's inclination toward short-term strategic thinking allows him to make swift decisions in high-pressure situations. This trait can help him seize opportunities and respond to challenges promptly.
  • Creativity: Stobal's creativity is a driving force in his filmmaking endeavours. His ability to generate fresh and imaginative concepts contributes to the uniqueness of his cinematic works.
  • Networking Advantages: Stobal's connections in political and social circles offer him insights and advantages in navigating complex environments. His marriage to Laniesti further bolsters his influence within these spheres.

Vices & Personality flaws

Deadly Sins

  • Pride: Stobal's pride is evident in his unyielding confidence and assertiveness. His need to maintain a powerful image often leads him to disregard the opinions and feelings of others.
  • Greed: Stobal's insatiable desire for success and recognition aligns with greed. He prioritizes his ambitions over ethical considerations, often pursuing opportunities for personal gain at the expense of others.
  • Lust: Stobal's pursuit of relationships, particularly his fling with Laniesti, reflects his alignment with lust. His impulsive actions driven by physical desires can cloud his judgment and lead to destructive choices.
  • Envy: Stobal's envy is subtly woven into his motivations. His desire to surpass rivals and claim a lasting legacy in the film industry can be traced back to deep-seated envy of those who have achieved more acclaim.
  • Wrath: As seen with Hannan, Stobal's manipulative actions and willingness to hurt others reveal a streak of wrath. His anger-driven decisions can escalate conflicts and cause harm to those around him.
  • Sloth: Stobal's sedentary lifestyle, indulgence in unhealthy habits, and disregard for his physical well-being reflect sloth. His lack of motivation to prioritize his health can lead to detrimental consequences.
  • Gluttony: Stobal's indulgence in rich, fatty foods, alcohol, and cigars aligns with gluttony. His excessive consumption contributes to his deteriorating physical condition and undermines his overall well-being.


  • Cigar Addiction: Stobal's addiction to cigars is a prominent habit that disrupts his life. He uses them to temporarily escape stress and reality, even though they contribute to his deteriorating health.
  • Unhealthy Eating Habits: Stobal's fondness for rich, fatty foods and excessive alcohol consumption forms an unhealthy habit. These indulgences negatively impact his physical well-being.
  • Manipulative Attitude: Stobal's manipulative attitude disrupts his relationships and interactions. He uses manipulation to achieve his goals, often disregarding the emotional well-being of those he exploits.
  • Short-Term Gratification: Stobal's preference for short-term gains and immediate rewards often leads to impulsive decisions with long-term consequences. He prioritizes immediate satisfaction over considering the potential fallout.

Personality Quirks

  • Mustache Stroking: Stobal tends to absentmindedly stroke his thick walrus-like moustache when deep in thought or during moments of contemplation. This gesture reflects his introspective nature and tendency to engage in inner dialogue while maintaining an air of authority.
  • Finger Tapping: During moments of impatience or restlessness, Stobal often taps his fingers rhythmically on surfaces nearby. This repetitive motion signifies his desire for immediate results and his tendency to grow restless when things don't progress as quickly as he'd like.
  • Raised Eyebrow: When faced with scepticism or doubt, Stobal frequently raises one eyebrow that suggests he's assessing the situation. This gesture indicates his analytical nature and inclination to scrutinise others' words and intentions.
  • Lip Biting: During tension or when confronted with challenges, Stobal occasionally bites his lower lip. This unconscious action reflects his internal conflict between his assertive exterior and underlying vulnerabilities.
  • Chin Tilt: When engaged in persuasive conversations or negotiations, Stobal often tilts his chin slightly upward. This nonchalant yet calculated movement highlights his manipulative tendencies and desires to maintain control in interactions.
  • Hand Gestures: Stobal often uses expressive hand gestures to emphasise his points during conversations. These gestures, while enhancing his communication, also reflect his need to dominate discussions and maintain his authoritative presence.
  • Brief Glances: When observing his surroundings or individuals around him, Stobal occasionally casts quick, appraising glances. These fleeting looks allow him to quickly assess the dynamics of a situation and gauge potential opportunities for manipulation.
  • Slight Lip Curl: In moments of amusement or when he finds something amusing, Stobal's lips may curl slightly into a subtle half-smile. This indicates his capacity for finding entertainment in unexpected situations, even when it's at the expense of others.


Family Ties

Religious Views

Stobal's exposure to Non'ima'ta through his family and upbringing has familiarised him with Ananan beliefs, particularly the emphasis on fate's influence and the reverence for nature spirits. Although he lacks deep faith in Non'ima'ta, he acknowledges its cultural significance. He integrates elements of this belief system into his films to resonate with Ananan audiences and enhance the authenticity of his work. However, his artistic use of these elements also exposes his willingness to exploit cultural beliefs to attain his objectives.

In contrast, Stobal's affiliation with Favontille society and Angelism has exposed him to contrasting religious perspectives. Angelism stands in stark contrast to Non'ima'ta. Stobal's pragmatic disposition enables him to recognise the societal advantages that aligning with Angelism can provide within Favontille circles. He appreciates the strategic value of embracing religious practices harmonising with the prevailing culture, facilitating his personal and professional advancements. In the aftermath of the erosion of Ananan culture, Stobal, his family, and his servants, including Hannan, were compelled to adopt the facade of Angelism adherents outwardly. Having grown up in both cultural contexts, Stobal comprehended the benefits of presenting himself as an Angelism follower, even without genuine faith. He grasped the tactical benefits of employing faith to manipulate others, expand his network, and navigate the complexities of Favontille society. This calculated manoeuvre further underscores his pragmatic nature and resourcefulness in utilising religious beliefs to propel his individual and career pursuits.

Social Aptitude

Stobal's social interaction with Laniesti is marked by a complex and strained dynamic. He navigates their toxic relationship with a mix of manipulation and control. While he may project an image of unity in public, their interactions are laced with tension and underlying power struggles.

Stobal's interactions with Aidan often reflect his role as a distant father figure. He can showcase moments of mentorship and guidance, but it is inconsistent. Stobal's social aptitude towards Aidan is rooted in his desire to maintain his position of authority while also showcasing a degree of paternal care.

Stobal's social aptitude towards Hannan is multifaceted due to their complex relationship. His behaviour alternates between manipulation, emotional exploitation, and protective gestures. Stobal uses his authority to assert control over Hannan, often veering between aggression and calculated charm.

Stobal's interactions with Nina are characterised by secrecy and manipulation. He projects affection to manipulate her and further his revenge against Laniesti. Stobal employs a mix of charisma and calculated charm to manipulate Nina emotionally and gain her compliance.

Stobal's social aptitude in networking scenarios is masterful. He is confident and charismatic, skillfully building rapport with industry peers. His interactions are marked by calculated charm, intelligent conversation, and an acute understanding of power dynamics.


Stobal's mannerisms around Laniesti are often guarded and controlled. He exhibits subtle displays of dominance, such as maintaining a measured distance or giving condescending nods during public events.

Stobal's mannerisms with Aidan carry an air of condescension, though he occasionally attempts to offer guidance. He resorts to brief displays of affection, although his authoritative stance overshadows such gestures.

Stobal's mannerisms around Hannan fluctuate between moments of intimidation and protective gestures. His body language may display dominance and occasional warmth, reflecting his complex feelings of control and fatherly concern.

Stobal's mannerisms with Nina are often carefully calculated to maintain her emotional involvement. He may use gentle touches, meaningful glances, and occasional acts of tenderness to manipulate her emotions in line with his revenge plot.

Stobal's mannerisms in networking contexts exude confidence and charm. He maintains eye contact, employs charismatic gestures, and listens actively to others. His body language conveys respect for their status while subtly asserting his presence.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Film Critique and Analysis: Stobal's fascination with cinema extends beyond his work. He enjoys immersing himself in the films of renowned directors, meticulously dissecting their techniques and narratives. This hobby enables him to refine his filmmaking skills while indulging in his passion for storytelling.
  • Antique Watch Collection: Stobal has developed a penchant for collecting antique wristwatches. He values the intricate craftsmanship and historical significance of each timepiece. This hobby reflects his appreciation for refined aesthetics and understated luxury, serving as a private indulgence away from the public eye.
  • Attending Theatrical Performances: Stobal indulges in attending theatrical performances, appreciating the artistry and storytelling on display. This hobby allows him to observe the dynamics of live performances, which he can later incorporate into his filmmaking.
  • Opera Enthusiast: Stobal has developed an affinity for opera, drawn to its expressive power and grandeur. He occasionally attends opera performances to soak in the rich melodies and lavish productions, relishing the emotional impact they evoke.
  • Wine Tasting: Stobal has cultivated a taste for fine wines, engaging in wine tastings to further his appreciation. This hobby allows him to navigate the intricacies of wine selection and pairing, aligning with his refined sensibilities.
  • Niche Appreciation for Foreign Cinema: Stobal has developed a niche appreciation for the works of a particular foreign director. He often references their films during conversations, positioning himself as a connoisseur of international cinema and fostering connections with cinephiles.
  • Attending Sporting Events: Stobal occasionally attends sporting events, utilising the opportunity to network with influential individuals from diverse backgrounds. This seemingly incongruent interest is a strategic tool for expanding his social circle.


Stobal's speech towards Laniesti is often layered with veiled sarcasm and calculated remarks. He employs a tone that implies a sense of superiority while maintaining a façade of politeness in public settings.

Stobal's speech with Aidan combines paternal advice with a tinge of condescension. He uses a measured tone, attempting to impart wisdom while asserting his position as a figure of authority.

Stobal's speech with Hannan oscillates between stern commands and emotionally manipulative declarations. He uses his words to exert control, employing a blend of harsh orders and sporadic instances of feigned compassion.

Stobal's speech with Nina often carries affection mixed with calculated emotional manipulation. He employs words of encouragement and tenderness to further his revenge scheme while preserving the illusion of genuine care.

Stobal's speech in networking scenarios exudes confidence and articulate communication. He engages in intelligent discourse, using eloquent language to discuss industry trends and projects. His tone is tailored to the context, showcasing his ability to adapt to different conversational dynamics.


Stobal Hutz

Husband (Important)

Towards Laniesti Hutz



Laniesti Hutz

Wife (Important)

Towards Stobal Hutz




Stobal's relationship with Laniesti ignited with an intense attraction, their connection flourishing into a swift marriage that introduced him to new social circles. Yet, as time passed, strains emerged, fueled by Stobal's manipulation and Laniesti's discontent with their secluded life. Attempts to incite jealousy and control eroded their bond, leading to Laniesti's affair with Hannan and Stobal's infidelity with Nina. These betrayals shattered their connection, leaving bitterness and regret. Their separation became a reminder of Stobal's moral compromises and manipulative nature, haunting him until his encounter with Aeryn DeSteffen.

Stobal Hutz

Ex-husband (Important)

Towards Hestia Herada



Hestia Herada

Ex-wife (Vital)

Towards Stobal Hutz




Stobal's relationship with Hestia Herada began as a professional collaboration, blossoming into a deep personal connection. They met when Hestia delivered an impressive performance in one of Stobal's early films, leading to a series of collaborations that solidified their partnership. Their shared creative vision evolved into a romance, and they married in 928. However, the demands of Stobal's career and the strains of parenting their son, Aidan, led to emotional distance. Despite love and mutual respect, challenges and individual struggles created a rift, resulting in their divorce in 934. Hestia's death in 941 left Stobal with complex emotions, a significant relationship that continued to impact his life.


slave (Important)

Towards Stobal Hutz



Stobal Hutz

master (Vital)

Towards Magan




Stobal and Hannan's relationship has undergone a profound shift over time. Initially, when Hannan was a young boy, their interactions were marked by mentorship and shared interests, fostering a sense of trust. However, after Stobal's kidnapping of Hannan as an adult, their dynamic twisted into manipulation and control. Stobal's anger and vengeance led him to rename Hannan as Magan and employ psychological tactics to break him. This reshaped their connection into one of oppressive submission, where affection and abuse became intertwined. Stobal's calculated manipulation transformed their once-promising bond into a dark and twisted relationship, emblematic of his malevolent nature.

Stobal Hutz

Father (Important)

Towards Aidan Hutz



Aidan Hutz

Son (Important)

Towards Stobal Hutz




A mix of emotions, history, and struggles marks the complex relationship between Aidan and Stobal. As father and son, their connection is significant, but challenges have strained it. During vital years, Stobal's career pursuits distanced him from Aidan, causing estrangement. Aidan sought approval, feeling neglected due to Stobal's filmmaking focus. Despite this, Aidan admired Stobal's creativity, aspiring to his storytelling world. Their strained bond evolved when Aidan learned of Stobal's cruel treatment of Hannan, undermining his role model image. In 948, Aidan cut ties, realising the toxicity and distancing himself from Stobal's manipulative legacy.

Stobal Hutz

Master (Vital)

Towards Nina Neseryada



Nina Neseryada

Slave (Important)

Towards Stobal Hutz




Stobal's relationship with Nina is twisted and manipulative, driven by his calculated desire to exert control and satisfy his twisted desires. At first glance, Stobal may appear protective of Nina, fostering a facade of concern for her well-being. However, beneath this façade lies a toxic dynamic of power and domination. Stobal uses Nina to manipulate Hannan further, exploiting Hannan's affection for her and his vulnerability to strengthen his control. Stobal's calculated manipulation extends to sexual relations with Nina. Stobal's decision to engage in such relations serves multiple purposes: inciting jealousy and insecurity in his wife, Laniesti, who is unconcerned by Stobal's actions, and exploiting Hannan's emotions, further deepening his psychological captivity.

Wealth & Financial state

Stobal's wealth and class are intertwined with his rise in the film industry and his manipulation of opportunities. Over the years, his success as a filmmaker and his strategic networking have led him to accumulate substantial wealth. His financial status places him comfortably within the upper echelons of society, granting him access to luxuries and privileges that align with his refined tastes.

Stobal's class is a blend of nouveau riche and a calculated projection of sophistication. While his origins in a small town and his self-made success may suggest a certain nouveau riche background, he has meticulously curated his image to align with established upper-class norms. He surrounds himself with opulent aesthetics, fine dining experiences, and exclusive events, all contributing to his portrayal of sophistication and elevated social status.

Despite his appearance of wealth and class, Stobal's rise has been marked by manipulation, sensationalism, and opportunism. This taints his standing in some circles, as his success has been achieved through calculated choices and the exploitation of others. While he may be accepted within certain elite circles due to his financial achievements, his lack of strong ethical principles and willingness to compromise integrity for personal gain can lead to unease or distrust among those who value genuine connections and principles.

As a Master

  • Isolation and Dependency: Stobal's approach to isolating Hannan was calculated and ruthless. He strategically severed Hannan's connections to the outside world, ensuring that Hannan had no one to turn to for support or validation. For instance, after orchestrating Hannan's removal from the Duchess's care, Stobal took advantage of Hannan's vulnerability, constantly emphasising his role as the sole source of Hannan's needs. He controlled Hannan's access to any form of communication, ensuring Hannan's reliance on him for emotional validation and necessities.
  • Gaslighting and Verbal Abuse: Stobal's gaslighting tactics were a masterclass in psychological manipulation. He would subtly alter details of events, casting doubt on Hannan's memories and perceptions. For instance, Stobal might recount shared experiences with Hannan, subtly changing the sequence of events or details to make Hannan question his recollections. He also used degrading and hurtful insults to break down Hannan's self-esteem systematically. Stobal would mock Hannan's appearance, abilities, and even past accomplishments, making Hannan believe he was inferior and undeserving of respect.
  • Threats and Conditional Affection: Stobal's threats were chillingly effective in forcing compliance. He would describe in vivid detail the potential harm to Nina or other loved ones if Hannan didn't comply. For example, he might describe Nina's suffering if Hannan resisted, making it clear that Hannan's actions directly impacted the safety of those he cared for. Stobal's manipulation of affection was equally insidious. He would alternate between moments of warmth and praise, reinforcing Hannan's yearning for validation. These moments of affection would abruptly vanish, leaving Hannan desperate to regain Stobal's approval.
  • Public Manipulation and Humiliation: Stobal's public humiliation tactics were calculated to strip Hannan of any remaining self-esteem and assert his dominance. During public events or gatherings, Stobal would engineer situations that exposed Hannan's vulnerabilities. For instance, he might publicly correct Hannan's behaviour in a condescending tone, making Hannan feel small and powerless in front of others. Stobal could also demand that Hannan perform degrading tasks or wear attire that drew attention to his servitude, further emphasising his subordinate status.
  • Forced Compliance: Stobal's methods of forcing compliance were a combination of fear, manipulation, and dependency. He would physically intimidate Hannan through threatening gestures, leaving him in no doubt about the consequences of resistance. Stobal's psychological grip was so strong that Hannan's fear of punishment often overpowered any thought of defiance. Additionally, Stobal employed a cycle of punishment and reward. When Hannan complied, Stobal temporarily offered praise or small privileges, creating a conditioned response where compliance became synonymous with avoiding pain.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
898 TS 948 TS 50 years old
Circumstances of Death
Assassinated by Aeryn DeSteffen
Laniesti Hutz (Wife)
Hestia Herada (Ex-wife)
dark brown
curly blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
slightly tanned
Known Languages
  • Anana
  • Favontille
  • Personality Type
