Carolina Proudmore


Carolina was 20 when her mother, Diane Proudmore, died leaving the throne empty. Many believed she should be Queen of Nodim and rule the land rather than her brother, Horace Proudmore, who at only 2 was hardly fit to lead the Kingdom of Nodim.   She fought hard against corruption and the self interest of those who would sit her brother on the throne for their own gain, and inevitably lost. She remained by his side to try and act as a voice of reason and guidance. Such attempts were honourable but fruitless in the face of Horace Proudmore's entitled behaviour. She was eventually forced out as rumblings of her behaviour to try and manipulate her brother were treasonous. She fled from her brother with a number of those who remained loyal to her and the prospect of a more prosperous kingdom under her rule. Those that believe in her consider her as the rightful Queen of Nodim.   Carolina's current whereabouts are unknown. Those who were closest to her have gone into hiding with her. Those of the general public who believe she is the rightful Queen of Nodim keep quiet or only discuss such a treasonous subject behind closed doors. It has been years since she has been seen and there are many rumours around her whereabouts. Some think she is building a secret following within the Kingdom of Nodim; others believe she has left to one of the other regions of Ferrovax to seek their help, one popular one being seeking the military might of Slionogoth; many though, believe the kings assassins have caught up with her.


Carolina Proudmore


Towards Horace Proudmore


Horace Proudmore


Towards Carolina Proudmore


Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
9980 30 Years old
Horace Proudmore (Brother)
Ruled Locations