
The Felines (Tabaxi and Leonin) make up a large portion of the Slionogoth where they find themselves in the lower rungs of society. There they live in large groups where the most common job is that of farm hands and labourers. For it is the Felines that are the producers of almost all the food that nourishes the populace of Slionogoth and in particular the vast armies of Lizardfolk.   Some Felines decide to look for prospects outside of Slionogoth in the Kingdom of Nodim where they hope to have the potential to rise in the ranks of society since they do not have such an oppertunity in Slionogoth. If caught trying to cross the border they are sent to the Re-education centre by The Inquisition.   Those who survive the journey do not find Kingdom of Nodim overly welcoming. After being questioned by authorities for information about the Yuan-ti, something they are privy to very little information about, they will have their belongings removed before being sent on their way with nothing to their name, free to live in the Kingdom of Nodim.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They will normally talk Abyssal when near Yuan-ti, Owlin, and/or Lizardfolk to avoid causing offense.   They can also talk Feline and will do so among other Felines.
100 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution