Quest to defeat Noxtras

This is shared by Entaliss at her home in Realm of Craft. She has gathered the adventurers for some promised information.


In a scattered, mostly bored tone, Entaliss shares the following:
A few centuries ago there was an upstart in the Unseelie Court named Nintra Siotta.
She was exiled after some ridiculous shenanigans. While exiled, she had a bastard son named Noxtras, who was given to the Witch Queen Baba Yaga to be raised in relative secrecy and seculsion.
While it is my suspicion that the Gloaming Court promptly forgot about the boy, the boy did not forget whence he came from.
The tome that bound his mother has been destroyed. And there is no way she can possibly come back and usurp the Queen of Air and Darkness as she had once hoped. Noxtras seems to believe that it should be his mantle to take upon himself and that he should take his mother's place. He has no legitimate claim, of course, but that's not the point. He has been slowly gathering allies to himself. Prior to her confinement, his mother did have a great many allies in the Gloaming Court, and I suspect that he's tapped into them.
When you were a young man trying to usurp an entire government of incredibly powerful archfey, it can be challenging to gather an army unto yourself. Noxtras has been developing a nasty habit of claiming mortal's firstborn children. It's been unclear to us for some time how that has been happening. We knew that he was gathering these children with legitimate means, for whatever that's worth. He is bound by the same Fey laws that we are. Laws of nature, laws of magic, you know.

For Viltrow

In this specific campaign, Entaliss detected darkness in a player character.
It wasn't until we met you outside the Casino that I was able to finally put the final pieces together. You had a look, you see, one that I'm, shall we say, familiar with. Touched by fey magic, but not completely under its power.
One of my, shall we say, abilities allows me to see a person's life story. Their history. Though you may not remember from whence you came, I could access it. It is all still in your brain, just cut off from your conscious self.
It seems that Noxtras has been acquiring these firstborn children through fey pacts with their parents. I believe this is what occurred to you. He tried to claim your unborn child and well...
He expected you to make a bargain for your life. For your safety. I'm not completely certain what happened - my information is limited to your perception of events. It seems that either Noxtras or one of his minions engulfed you and your wife in a storm of fire and shadow. They offered you the life of yourself and your wife in return for your unborn child. It seems you refused. Surprisingly resilient for a human.
But the long and short of it is that he was unable to take your child. But resistance isn't something that a creature like Noxtras appreciates. He placed a shadow curse upon you for your troubles. Though they were something of a specialty of his mother, so I shouldn't be surprised.
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Larixi has convinced me that there might be some concerns for your family's safety if Noxtras becomes aware of your involvement. Your connection with him is an incredible asset. We need you to be part of the team that goes to take his little empire apart. But I'm not cruel or unfair. Though we have signed a pact that you are loyal to me in this resolution of this quest, it would be amenable to me if one of your own was sent to stand watch over your family in a fashion until the conclusion of this mission.


If asked about why she cares about this and why she is willing to be involved, Entaliss shares the following.
The long and short of it is that I cannot stand the idea of someone being forced into labor like some chattel. Can you imagine a being like Noxtras raising children? I shudder at the thought! And Larixi despises the whole business. And I can't have something like this lurking about when it upsets her so!

Embarking on the Takedown

Entaliss makes clear that her end game is the demise of Noxtras and the destruction of any assembled military force. She does not know where he is based, but can share some options for gathering more information.
No, I have no idea where Noxtras is holding court. I suspect somewhere to the North, closer to the Gloaming Wilds. But beyond that, I cannot guess. I do have a few contacts that owe me favors. You could start with them.
  • A hunter in the domain of the Prince of Frost, near the Fortress of Frozen Tears. He came to Entaliss a few years back for help with designing a new set of traps. She agreed, for a future favor. Entaliss is not sure if he would know, but there are several entrances to the Fey Dark near his home, so sometimes he knows strange and unusual things.
  • There's a community of Satyrs between the Echo Mountains and the Seelie Court. Entaliss is certain they would know where to find Noxtras, but Satyrs are notoriously unreliable at giving straight answers. There is one, Shonenae, who would be paying off a favor to Entaliss if asked.
  • There are several fae communities in the Mushroom Forest. Since they are technically on the border between the Unseelie and Seelie realms of control, that would be your best bet to seek out information, but Entaliss doesn't have any unclaimed favors in the area. Players would have to work something out themselves.

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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