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The Kurik Car

Ledia, a mountainous country, is home to one of the largest bastion of dwarf holds left in the world. A land filled with mineral rich mountains have caused many wars over the years, and while it's caused an almost unrelenting hatred to outsiders as they try and pry these precious resources from them, it can not be denied that these dwarves hold some of the best craftsmen, largest mines and greatest fortresses in the world.
Ledia Dwarven Fortress.jpg
  Some of the notable dwarf holds are:
  • Caen Dor
  • Torun Gul
  • Turusdol
  • Polkorndul


The various holds of Ledia answer to a Dwarven King, this king receives all the resources in the kingdom before distributing it to the other holds as he deems fit. In this manner, any invading force would have to strike at the heart of the Kurik Car in able to take anything of worth. As it stands, there has only been one ever successful invasion of Ledia towards the beginning of the Second Age.   Each hold governs it's own citizens as it sees fit, governing in the manner that they believe best fits the interest of their holds.

Public Agenda

The Kurik are only interested in digging deeper to amass their wealth, as well as drive off any invaders who are intent on inquiring it.


The Kurik Car uses it's various holds as defensible positions, allowing it to weather sieges so that it's few allies may assist them in times of need.  


Originally a grouping of individualistic groups, during the crisis of Funhia the dwarves of Ledia united under one banner in order to fend off the threat. Their once individualistic holds becoming the great series of fortresses that it is now.

Demography and Population

While a majority of their population is dwarves, it's not uncommon to find a few gnomes and humans amongt their population, with elves often traveling to their holds to trade. Every so often a Dragonborn can be seen traveling to their cities for personal reasons.


Their military is formed by the individual groupings of each hold, each one declaring the best way in which they can defend their territory.


Many dwarves believe in Oliatos, for the good that he represents, Eriopis, as their craftsmanship is an art they hope to never lose, Cilla , for the resolve that she represents and Bias, for the duality of danger and reward that digging deep will bring.

Foreign Relations

Holds a trade agreement with Bosque and Mompi, and one with their closer neighbors the Gil-Galahd.

Agriculture & Industry

As most of the Kurik live deep in their mountains, they are in a constant and desperate need to trade with their neighbors, or risk starving. However, their quality craftsman ship and knowledge on repairs, as well as the resources their holds sit atop allows them to provide valuable resources to trade.

Trade & Transport

The most coveted resources that the Dwarves provide are their Adamantium and Mithril weapons and metals, trading them in for livestock, food and other necessities that can;t be found within their mountains. They use the various creatures that they've been able to tame from deep in the mountains and atop it to quickly travel resources to where they're needed.
Ledia Dwarf City.jpg

Dig as deep as the world will let you, and then dig deeper


  • Ledia
Founding Date
161 Age of Sorrows
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Dwarves of Ledia
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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