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The Irasian Green Lands

The Irasian Plains are rollings hills of grass and light forests that have been roamed by the Irasians for the past thousand years. Originally having been cleared during The Catran Empire, the land never truly healed, and thus now boasts only a few light forests in comparison to the thick forests that grew here before the War in the Heavens.   Many creatures here adapted to the light forests, either gaining flight or speed to help survive in the open plains. Other's adapted to hiding in plain sight, using the singular colored landscape to their advantage.

Fauna & Flora

While boasting a severe lack of actual plants, the soil of the lands have been blessed to grow most crops, resulting in lush fields of tall green grass. It's a result of this that many roaming and small animals have taken to inhabit these lands.   Most noticeably, the horses that many of the Green Knights that the Irasians employ were tamed and bred from the various horses that to this day wander these fields.   However, while the the forces of Irasia attempt to keep the lands safe, many types of goblinoids call these lands home, with the number and frequency of attacks of these creatures increasing every year. Griffins and Rocs roam the skys and various predators stalk from within the tall grass. And while it's rare enough, people still fear the giant creatures that call the underground their home.


  • Irasia
Alternative Name(s)
The Green Fields
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