Daggerford Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Daggerford was a small but consequential town located in the Delimbiyr Vale within the greater Sword Coast. While it was primarily a farming community, and considered by some to be a stopover town, the town had great ambitions to grow and be seen as an alternative to their northern neighbor of Waterdeep.   Despite its modest size and somewhat inflated sense of importance, Daggerford was resilient. It was something of a relic from the old kingdom of Delimbiyr, too stubborn to fall even when a series of wars, crusades, and other conflicts threatened the entirety of the Sword Coast. Daggerford's coat-of-arms was a silver dagger, covered in blood atop a field of dark blue.




In addition to the Duke and his personal guard, Daggerford maintained a standing militia. It comprised the town's citizens who were healthy enough to serve, regardless of gender or race. Those who were not required to serve were those who were too young or too old, women who were pregnant, and women who were raising young children. As of the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR, the militia comprised only 50 individuals – though that was one-tenth of the town's citizens.   Newly–recruited militiamen were granted some training and given very rudimentary arms. Service was required three days out of every month and typically consisted of fairly light duties, unless the town was in immediate peril.

Industry & Trade

Imports: Green wood
Exports: Furs, garments


River Quarter

This area of the town held the city's docks and served those whose jobs revolved around ships and sea trade. Dockworkers unloaded cargo from ships that were bound for transport along the Trade Way, while some skippers and rivermen transported people down the Delimbiyr River to Secomber and the surrounding settlements. Some of the landmarks within the River Quarter were the town's jail and constabulary, stables, and the militia's barracks; the Table of the Sword shrine; and next to the quarter, the massive Sullerton Shipbuilders.

Caravan Quarter

Catering to those individuals passing through town on the trade business, this area of Daggerford comprised several shops and businesses, guildhalls, as well as a number of boarding houses. As such, it was nearly devoid of activity during the winter months, when caravan travel all but ceased. Notable locations included the grand Lady Luck Tavern, Miller's Dry Goods, and Fairfortune Hall.

Farmers' Quarter

As the name suggested, many farmers and other folks that lived off the land made their home within this part of Daggerford. Animal pens and small livestock paddocks were a common sight throughout its streets. Found within this ward was the grand River Shining Tavern, Cromach's Smithy, and the Harvest House, the local temple to Chauntea.

Money Quarter

Easily the most affluent region of town, this quarter comprised the grand buildings that were built nearest to the ducal castle. Located within was the Sword Coast Traders' Bank, the Lizard's Gizzard, and a number of private residences.


  • Daggerford
    The town of Daggerford
Founding Date

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