Money Quarter Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Money Quarter

The Money Quarter was the wealthiest of Daggerfords neighborhoods. The comprised the large buildings that housed the town's affluent mercantile class along with some retired adventurers, and a handful of lesser Waterdhavian nobles.  


  • Korbus's Jewelry and Fine Ornaments: This shop featured the exquisite pieces crafted by the appropriately-named master jeweler, Korbus Brightjewel.
  • Sword Coast Traders' Bank: Run by Lady Belinda Anteos, this financial institution allowed individuals to deposit their wealth in Daggerford for future withdraw in one of two nearby cities.
  • Trade of the Tools: Quite unlike its surrounding businesses, this tool and repair shop was disorderly and unbecoming.

Inns and Taverns

  • Chateau Elite Inn: The services provided within this inn were the epitome of self-indulgent extravagance.
  • Silver Flood Inn: This fine boarding house was run by the Northmen Connar and Ganfar who earned their wealth on the island of Tuern.
  • Lizard's Gizzard: As many establishments were wont to do, this inn took its name from the legend of the town's first duke Tyndal, who slew a horde of lizardmen with only a mere dagger.
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