Farmers' Quarter Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Farmers' Quarter

The Farmers' Quarter was the ward of Daggerford that housed the town's farmers and ranchers, along with some of their livestock. It was a bustling place that was just as uproarious as it was smelly.  


  • Cromach's Smithy: Although it was established within the Caravan Quarter,[8] the long-standing smithy was relocated to the Farmer's Quarter where it was run by a dwarf named Tholvar Cragjaw.
  • Gublin's Cloth & Cordage: The proprietor of this shop enjoyed great success, thanks in part to a fantastic invention that entwined strands of rope together.
  • Helmick's Herbs and Oddments: While they possessed no magical powers, the curios sold within this establishment were said to have minor warding effects.
  • Jerdan's Smithy: As of the late 15th century, Jerdan Went was the only human smithy operating within Daggerford.
  • Potter's Wheel: This unexceptional shop was something of a front for its proprietor Marcus, who was in fact an agent working for the duke.
  • Ransaran's Sergeant-at-Arms: The skilled weaponsmith Ransaran forged high quality armaments and sold them for steep, but ultimately fair prices.
  • Wiston Apothecary: A master of his profession, Wiston of Yartar was a physician who spent much of his time formulating new medicinal recipes.

Inns and Taverns

  • Dragonback Inn: This boarding house catered to the outdoormsen and farmhands that lived nearby.
  • Happy Cow: Having been in the Hardcheese family for generations, this delightful tavern was well-loved by all the local farmers.
  • River Shining Tavern: Previously located in the Caravan Quarter,[18] this grand establishment was an institution of Daggerford for well over a century.

Places of Worship

Harvest House: The temple dedicated to Chauntea was the largest house of worship in Daggerford, and featured a grand central courtyard.
Location under


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