River Quarter Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

River Quarter

The River Quarter, also known as the Riverman's Quarter, was one of the wards that made up the small riverside town of Daggerford. It was home to a number of long-standing businesses and guildhalls, as well as the personal residence to those residents that worked at the Delimbiyr River docks.  


  • The Clean Chin: Quite the unique establishment, the Clean Chin operated as both a barber's shop and mortuary.
  • Daggerthrust Ales: Many Daggerfordians became very excited every time this brewery released one of their new beers or ales.
  • Dekoran Boatwright: This massive shipyard specialized in the construction of canoes, rafts, and smaller fishing ships.
  • Derval's Smithy: While Derval's Bright Blade was previously located in Daggerford's Money Quarter, it was relocated to the River Quarter and later bequeathed to Derval's grandson, Ignal Ironeater, after his passing.

Inns and taverns

  • Black Stone Inn: is a shady drinking establishment.
  • Otter's Run: This tavern was often the first site encountered by those entering town from the Trade Way.
  • Silver Flood Inn: This establishment was founded during the mid–15th century when silver was discovered in the nearby Sword Hills.

Places of Worship

Table of the Sword: Originally founded by Baergon Bluesword, this holy house served the faithful of Tempus for well over a hundred years.

Industry & Trade

Exports: Fish

Points of interest

Jail and Constabulary: Daggerford's constable and their deputies maintained the peace, suppressed illicit activities and if necessary, locked up those that broke local laws.
River Gate: The southern-facing gate was large enough that shops could be brought from the town's shipyards down to the docks.
Town Guard Barracks: Like the local shrine of Tempus, the town's barracks were constructed following the Second Dragonspear War to cater to the garrison of Waterdhavian guardsmen.
Alternative Name(s)
Riverman's Quarter
Location under
Included Locations


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