Lurath Geographic Location in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Lurath was a small island in the Pirate Isles on the Sea of Fallen Stars, with a unique feature which not many people knew.


Lurath sat near the center of the Pirate Isles along the Windrace and the northern edge of the Bowl.   Lurath covered roughly 20 square miles (52,000,000 square meters) of area. This island stood apart from the other islands of the Pirate Isles in that it had very little lowlands. Most of Lurath's coast was dominated by sheer cliff faces. The cliffs actually concealed a circular valley and tropical paradise at Lurath's heart.

Fauna & Flora

Though few outsiders ever saw them, Lurath was populated by primitive elvish creatures. They were quite friendly. Several types of dangerous dinosaur lived in the valley as well. The primitive leves where ruled by an Ancient Amethyst dragon named Adelon.


Access to the tropical valley in the center of the island was only possible through a series of caves. However, passing through the caves actually brought travelers back in time to a primitive age before humans. Anyone attempting to leave the valley by any means other than the caves found they were trapped in a primitive time period ruled by dragons.
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