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Ashtar the Cunning

We can sack these two villages along the way to Jidoor, but make sure the men do not dally too long. I do so love the opera and I would hate to be late.
— Ashtar the Cunning
Ashtar was the commander of the Red Eyes. He had a trim and cultured appearance that belied a ruthless and brutal approach to warfare.

Physical Appearance

Ashtar was a refined looking hobgoblin, sleek and primped. He wore a slim gentleman’s suit and was well manicured at all times. He fur was mostly grey with streaks of white, but despite his apparent age he is still spry and clever.


Ashtar preferred two slim blades but wore no armor. He wore various suits and garments suitable to nobility at all times, even on the battlefield.


Ashtar projected an air of sleek refinement. He spoke with an educated accent, dressed in fine clothing, and was a patron of the arts. Beneath this cultured exterior, however, was a brutal and ruthless commander who would execute a fully armored ogre without hesitation if the creature disobeyed orders.

Goals & Motivations

If Ashtar had any goals beyond gaining wealth and prestige, he never shared them. He scoffed at other hobgoblin generals trying to carve out empires for themselves. He knew that the established powers would never allow it. If he could make himself too useful to be discarded and too feared to be attacked, however, he knew he could profit.


Ashtar's past is unknown to all. He likely received some sort of formal education, though it is not known where or when. He briefly mentioned serving under Obould Many-Arrows and learning the lesson of brutality from that warlord.

The interaction that would ultimately lead to his demise occurred in a contract for the Zhentarim. They had hired the Red Eyes to destroy a cell of Harpers in the Waterdeep region. Rather than beating the bushes for their agents, Ashtar decided to force the Harpers out of hiding. He engaged in a campaign of murder and pillaging through the woods where they were hiding. This campaign included the reaving of the town of Twin Elks, home to an adolescent Enala. The Harpers eventually came out of hiding and acted openly, where they were promptly destroyed by the Red Eyes.

Though Ashtar had no idea who Enala was, she spent her life hunting him. Finally, in the year 1496 she discovered his identity and ultimately killed him in the aftermath of the Battle of the Red Eyes.



Nemesis (Vital)

Towards Ashtar the Cunning



Ashtar the Cunning

Nemesis (Important)

Towards Enala




Ashtar the Clever was responsible for the destruction of Enala 's village, which led to her quest to destroy Ashtar the Clever in particular and hobgoblins in general.


Lawful Evil
195 lbs
Unknown, thought to be approximately 45 years of age upon death

Other Information

Character Prototype
Gentleman Warlord


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