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Battle of the Red Eyes

Accounts of the destruction are likely exaggerated and it is difficult to know precisely what happened. One thing is certain: Six adventurers walked into an army's camp. The Battleborn walked out.
— Hari Seldoon, Historian

The Battle of the Red Eyes was a conflict with the adventuring party later known as the Battleborn and the Red Eyes. It occurred on 9/23/1496. It ended with the death of Ashtar the Cunning, the effective destruction of the mercenary company, and the formation of the Battleborn


The battle took place in a sparsely forested hilly region southwest of of the Trade Way, near Jidoor at the encampment of the Red Eyes.



Ashtar the Cunning had been hired by Duke Horrigan to aid in the War of Secomber Succession. The Red Eyes were to harass enemy supply lines that stretched from Baldur's Gate. The Lords of Sharpstone Keep, being vassals to the Duke, were called into service. Though their soldiers were to be used conventionally, the adventurers themselves were assigned to assist Ashtar in their covert mission.

Unknown to the Duke Horrigan or even Ashtar himself, Enala had a history with him: He and his Red Eyes had destroyed her village, brutally slaughtering everyone she knew. She had spent her entire life hunting the creature, and had only discovered his symbol just before the war began. Though she was forced to bide her time, she swore that vengeance would be hers when the war was over.

The betrayal of the party by Calm (see the party page for more info) led to his warning Ashtar of the party's intended attack1. The crafty commander encamped his army, keeping the disciplined hobgoblins and sending out the rabble to intercept the adventurers and prevent them infiltrating his camp stealthily. He maintained a secret command post on a hill, overlooking the encampment.

Ashtar sent scouting parties of orcs, goblins, and bugbears out armed with a note, indicating a false location for his headquarters. The scouting parties were to invite the adventurers into their camp. Ashtar expected his prey to kill the scouts and discover his ruse. Much to his surprise, they instead accepted the invitation and willingly walked into the center of the camp.


The hobgoblins, showing the discipline for which they were renowned, adapted quickly. They formed up around the central training yard where the adventurers waited unawares. Each company (Swift Strikers, Crimson Spear, Stoneskin, and Jagged Claw) took one cardinal direction. Though the shouts and commotion could be heard, tents and various walls protected the army's movements from view.

When all was in place, the hobgoblins dropped the tents. The adventurers found themselves surrounded in all four directions by more than two hundred hobgoblins, all armed and ready for battle.

Thinking quickly, Ennin Stonehearth surrounded the party on three sides with a wall of fire, forcing the hobgoblins to tunnel to a small area. That area was bombarded with hails of arrows, spells, and swords. The hobgoblins attempted to shoot over the wall, but being unable to see their target they were ineffective and they could not break past Sanosha, Aurum Bearinglight, and Nicodemus.

Casualties mounted up rapidly. In under a minute, the Red Eyes had suffered greater than 2/3 casualties. That was too much for even this disciplined fighting force. The surviving hobgoblins broke and fled. Ashtar, observing from his hilltop command post, was dumbfounded.


Unable to find Ashtar, the party left the battleground, grateful to be alive. Fortunately for Enala's dreams of revenge, Ashtar found her.

The captain knew that he only maintained discipline through fear. Such a stunning defeat could not go unanswered or his own lieutenants would turn on him. If he could kill the foes himself, however, he could still salvage his company. Therefore, he sought out the adventurers with his bodyguards and challenged them to combat.

The ensuing combat did not go well for the hobgoblin. He was defeated, disarmed, and killed by Enala who thrust his own sword through his heart.

Divine Blessings

The spectacular display of battle prowess did not go unnoticed. That evening, the party were visited by Tempus, god of war as well as the Red Knight, god of tactics & Garagos, god of slaughter. The deities congratulated the party on their impressive display, and bestowed boons on each as a sign of their favor. From this moment, the adventuring party was known as the Battleborn.


1: This also marked the end of the Lords of Sharpstone Keep as an adventuring unit. The surviving members either became a part of the Battleborn or went into semi-retirement.


Conflict Type
Parent Conflict
War of Secomber Succession
Red Eyes destroyed, Ashtar killed, & Battleborn formed

Notable Participants




Aurum Bearinglight

Ennin Stonehearth


Ander Greycastle

Red Eyes

Ashtar the Clever


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