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Red Eyes

They tend to show up whenever there is a conflict in the making. Even if both sides find their methods disgusting, the Red Eyes can usually count on being hired. Nobody wants to give the enemy the chance to use those monsters against them.
— Duke Horrigan

The Red Eyes were a mercenary organization composed mostly of monstrous races, with a disciplined core of hobgoblins serving as its backbone. They were founded and led by Ashtar the Cunning until their destruction at the Battle of the Red Eyes in 1496.


The Red Eyes were a group of mercenaries that built a reputation on being both brutal and reliable. Their preferred contracts were those that involved raiding and harassment, pillaging the countryside and leaving entire villages and towns depopulated.

Their leader, Ashtar the Cunning, knew that the "civilized" peoples of Faerun would never tolerate a group of goblinoids that could not be controlled. Therefore, he kept discipline with an iron fist, ensuring that the group never harassed the lands or peoples that paid him. This combination served him well; the group was too powerful to be ignored, but not powerful enough to form a coalition against as long as they could be counted on to stay directed at one's enemies.

Despite their preference for easy prey, when the time came for battle they combined the ferocity of their monstrous "conscripts" with the rock solid discipline of their hobgoblin core to devastating effect. A small group of followers of Garagos, drawn to the slaughter that the Red Eyes enacted, provided magical support.


The army was divided into three parts: The disciplined hobgoblin "core", other monstrous "auxiliary", and the specialized attachments.

Core Army

The hobgoblin army was divided into four roughly equal companies.

  • Swift Strikers
  • Crimson Spear
  • Stoneskin
  • Jagged Claw

Each company consisted of roughly 50 hobgoblins and had a commander and several experienced sergeants. They each also had two armored ogres assigned to them as shock troops. Though there was rivalry between the groups, Ashtar's iron discipline prevented this from escalating into open violence.


The rest of the army consisted of a motley collection of "hangers on", primarily orcs, goblins, bugbears, and ogres. These were kept in line by fear of Ashtar and his soldiers. The conscripts were forbidden to attack outsiders without orders and had to obey any order given by even the lowliest hobgoblin. There was but one punishment for disobedience: Swift execution. Aside from these rules, the auxiliary was primarily left to its own devices, free to vent their rage on each other.

Despite this, Ashtar was a pragmatic commander with an eye for talent. Promising members of the auxiliary could be picked for specialized roles within the Red Eyes. One of Ashtar's bodyguards and third in command was promoted in this fashion.


The Red Eyes included a group of followers of Garagos. They followed Ashtar willingly, reveling in the slaughter he caused along the countryside.

Ashtar had several notable lieutenants and bodyguards who each assisted him in maintaining order and discipline.


The Red Eyes primarily operated on the Sword Coast, though they would wander wherever war brewed. They were involved in the reaving of Twin Elks, which was home to Enala who ultimately killed Ashtar the Cunning.

Their final contract was to Duke Horrigan of Waterdeep as part of the War of Secomber Succession. Immediately following the conclusion of the war, the Red Eyes were defeated in the Battle of the Red Eyes in 1496 and ceased to exist as a cohesive unit.


Founding Date

Circa 1466


Disbanded 9/23/1496


Mercenary Company

Training Level/Experience



Ashtar the Cunning


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