Garden Ward Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Garden Ward

"When you're the most blessed, there's no reason not to live like it. To do anything other than enjoy these luxuries would be an insult to Bahamut himself, who provides our prosperity as a response to our faithfulness."
  Home to the socioeconomic elite of Avraathe. The luxurious homes in this portion of the city often sit on multiple lots, using what could be an entirely additional living space for their winding gardens and artwork installations.  

Locations in the Garden Ward

  As you cross the threshold into the Garden Ward, the sense of a magnitude of wealth overgrown even more so that when you were here last weighs like a sickly sweet syrup in the air. As you pass by The Fragrant Dream, you hear gentle harp melodies wafting towards you on the breeze that was not present before entering this part of town. As you follow the Ward road, you can smell the always in bloom lavender and roses growing in many gardens adjacent to the obstinate homes of the Avraathian elite.


  The Fragrant Dream: An outdoor patio bar with a luxurious interior featuring floral drinks and seasonal wines at premium prices. Offers companionship with rented rooms. The patio is also attached to a walking maze that is rearranged every month to provide a novel experience to its regular customers.   Radric's Restaurant: The straightforward name of this upscale dining experience is compensated by the extravagant portions and preparation of the meals. Suckling pig roasts in an open-air kitchen, music plays over the crackling fire, and many meals are served as performances and events at each table. The low candle lighting allows for intimate or otherwise private conversations.   Duhza's Drafthouse: A popular brewery for the elite of the city which often features musical performances and interactive theater performances on regular occasion.  


  Fairathorn's Fabric and Dresswear: Premiere materials and custom design and stitching work that creates much of the gowns and finery worn for a myriad of religious and social events alike. Also creates the costumes worn during the Feast Day festivities.   Enchanting Enchantments: A dropout of the Augurium by the name of Nirphai and daughter of a wealthy merchant opened this storefront that offers basic enchantments for the elite of the city. Often outsources to students who need additional coin. Makes most of its profit by selling one-off or limited-time use items that must then be re-enchanted.   The Brilliant Brush: Operated by an eccentric and esoteric art dealer Respren Noblesky. Features vibrant paintings that are part religious visions and part dreamscapes and escapism. Respren was the preeminent artist to be featured and considered a mark of a certain level of wealth five years ago, but has struggled to continue living up to the reputation created for him.   Comfort and Crate: High quality and luxurious home decor items such as pillows, gold-plated mealware, exotic scented candles, and other premium imports. Provides a delivery service for its high-end customers who can order by courier and pay on credit.
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