Order of Profane Souls Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Order of Profane Souls

"We live where the poor go to die."
  The Order of the Profane Souls are a subset of Blood Hunters who bound themselves to infernal power for enhanced hemocraft capabilities.   Based out of Baldur's Gate, they maintain a small base of operations, The Sanctum, beneath Ilmater's Shine of the Suffering in the Lower City. Only a few Blood Hunters are ever present at a time, with most operating out in the field individually or in pairs.   Each of the blood hunters wear a Medallion of Malediction that allows them to control and enhance their blood magic. These medallions are passed down from blood hunter to blood hunter, with only a finite number produced and the means of recreating them lost to history.   The Order maintains a proud history of oral tradition, but it has not been without experiencing generational loss. The collective memory of the order suggests that once detailed records were kept, but resentment of the order grew to the point where this information became too much of a liability, jeopardizing hunters in the field.   New recruits are regularly brought in to the order and tested for their capacity to endure the excrutiating set of rituals known as the Rites. These proceedings transform the young recruits, or at least those that survive the process, into Blood Hunters, binding them to the infernal source of their hemocraft and enhancing their physical and mental capacities. These recruits are then trained in the field by other hunters before being sent out on their own. Most members of the order live less than two decades after completing the Rites.   The Order does not maintain a strict hierarchy or chain of command, with a few exceptions. The undisputed leader is the Keeper of the Sanctum, typically a position filled by the most accomplished hunter. The only other formal position is that of Ritesmaster, the hunter responsible for strengthening recruits to survive the rites and then lead them through the rituals. All other hunters are seen on equal footing and responsible for themselves and their own contracts out in the world at large.


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