SS.2.0 Espionage & Escape Plot in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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SS.2.0 Espionage & Escape

Session Preface

  Endriel Magkas has successfully infiltrated the temporary homebase of The Feathered who are holed up in Lady’s Hand Monastery with the separate, but equally vile group of followers of the Goddess of Pain, Loviatar.   Tipped off by Count Jermyn of the Harpers regarding the group traveling towards the Nether Mountains, Endriel followed the group for several days, but was unable to gather much useful intel at a safe distance. Instead, he decided to allow himself to be captured and now has an opportunity to listen and learn before making his escape.  

Session Summary

  Upon coming to consciousness, Endriel is interrogated but reveals nothing to Brother Altissima. He is then able to sneak out and discovers the three cells, one of which contains an unconscious Parathraaj chained up. The other two are filled with Leviatans taking part in their self-injury, one badly bleeding, the other mumbling in a daze.   Endriel then overhears the Whipmistresses addressing Parathraaj, and after further exploration is discovered by one of the celled cultists, then using an ice spell to render them unconscious. He then hides behind their form once the Whipmistress and an aid search for him. Endriel manages to escape once they have moved past him and he makes his way to the courtyard, where he discovers the large ditch carved by dragon talons.   In the massive entry hallway, Endriel discovers the temporary camp of The Feathered. Upon trying to find his equipment confiscated from him, the cult members are notified of his empty holding cell and go on high alert. He manages to sneak past them, recover his quiver and gear, but not his magical spears nor gold. He also grabs on of the Wing Bearer's cloaks and uses it as a disguise. Upon trying to leave, a cultist joins him and goes outside to help him look. He manages to escape, seeing the city lights of Avraathe in the valley below and begins the journey down the mountain.



Opening:   You come to consciousness as dull, rolling waves of pain wash over you. Soreness aches through your body as if each bone is independently groaning. Based on your last memory of a dark bag placed over your head and a sudden jolt of pain, you surmise you were dragged to your current location without much thought for your comfort. You can feel your joints already swelling and blood rushing to your skin to form bruises that will make the trek back all the more unpleasant.   You open your swollen eyes like crescent moons, taking in the small slits of the room around you. In the lowlight of the room, you can make out barrels, crates, and satchels of various condition and contents. There's no light nor windows in the room, only a slice of torchlight flickering through the crack under the door.   As you take in your surroundings, a shadow in the corner catches your eye as a cloak of darkness feathers out and reveals a black-clad figure holding a dagger in one hand and your quiver in another.   "Seems this quiver of yours is quite full of surprises. Those spears and bows will be useful if any one comes looking for you. Not that they would be dumb enough like you to be snooping around this place. Start with your name, elf, and we'll see what's in store for you."   [This is Brother Altissima speaking, who initially interogates Endriel]
Plot type


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