Talon's Barracks Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Talon's Barracks

"The blade only carves away the unclean, the flame purges it."
  A sprawling compound of dull grey stone work engraved with reliefs of various mantras, inspirational quotes from past leaders, and statues to the most shining examples of "enlightened mercy" as members of the military. Rich tapestries of blue and white adorn many of the interior spaces and the platinum shields of honored and fallen comrades hang on the walls as reminders of their faith and dedication.   Housing up to nearly 1,000 soldiers of the Talons of Justice at full force, the multi-story barracks offers simple but comfortable living spaces for even the most low-level soldiers.   While there are fully operational mess halls on the campus, most individuals prefer visiting Patrol's End in the Temple Ward for respite and a warm meal and ale.   There are also advanced classes offered on the premise in subjects such as history, theology, geography, politics, and of course, martial technique. This includes both theoretical tactics and strategy as well as intense and demanding physical training and conditioning. These courses are on a voluntary basis, but are required for any further promotions within the ranks.   One of the most anticipated annual events is The Platinum Decathalon, a brutally punishing and exhilarating contest of strength, endurance, and dexterity that takes place during the month of Hammer each year. A course is set up along the Ward Route circling the Temple of Bahamut around the city and requires competitors to race, spar, and complete various tactical operations and challenge courses against one another and the personal best set by Parathraaj 24 years ago.
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