Temple of Bahamut Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Temple of Bahamut

"From dawn to dusk and even in moonlight, the temple radiates as a beacon of Bahamut's merciful justice."
  The epicenter of Avraathe physically, spiritually, and culturally, the Temple of Bahamut is a behemoth of a towering structure of platinum-plated stone and the tallest building in the city-state. Atop each of the 28 columns encircling the temple itself is a carving representing a different aspect or example of Bahamut's mercy and justice.   Inside the temple, the main cathedral is designed as platinum scales with gold and silver lacing woven underneath the scales. A twenty-one foot altar wrapped in a depiction of Bahamut intervening at the Last Battle of Moon Pass stands as the centerpiece of the church. Pews of stone with velvet cushion seat up to one-third of the population at any given time, with standing room in the entrance hall to hold the same number. Marble floors and another 28 columns inside the cathedral each drape a banner with the commands and tenants of Bahamut. On the Eastern wall is seven large stained glass windows depicting different titles and aspects of Bahamut's portrayal. Opposite these are seven stained-glass windows, six of which depict the prophets through whom Bahamut has chosen to speak through in Avraathe's history. The seventh window has remained nondescript for a thousand years.   The Temple Keepers serve as clerics and clergy of the cathedral, presiding over prayer services three times a day (aligning with the miner's schedule shifts) as well as weekly fasting services, monthly festivals, and annual days of celebration.   The high priests of the Temple Keepers, known as the Temple Keeper's High Council hold the unique duty of seasonally separating themselves in the upper altar chambers of the massive vaulted ceiling of the temple. During this time the council members fast all but water and spend their waking hours praying and meditating to receive Bahamut's desires for new or modified decrees and laws to enact.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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