2024-04-18 Who's That Ghost?

1492 DR 22 Nightal (The Drawing Down)

General Summary

In the City of Judgment, Jerboa met his patron, Mystra. The Goddess of the Weave offered him a chance at resurrection. Jerboa agreed and his astral form was returned to Briar Glen and the rest of the party. According to Mystra, we'll need to find Granny Annie Cruelty in Hades and recover something she took from the people of Briar Glen.

After instructing Dodge to lead our horses back to Everlund1, we travelled to Moongleam Tower by teleportation circle, bringing Brysan, Elyna, and Hillie with us for their safety. We will leave our bodies in the custody of the Harpers while we use astral projection to track down Granny Cruelty.

1Retcon: We totally forgot about Dodge, Ryo, and the horses when we all 'ported back to Everlund.
Report Date
18 Apr 2024
Primary Location
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