
Like most anathemas, Ssilinauth was convinced it was only a matter of time before it ascended to godhood.

To prove its power, Ssilinauth enacted a grant plot to take control of the region surrounding Daggerford and the legendary portal network rumoured to be found in the lost House of Long Silences. It manipulated gnoll, orc, and hobgoblin threats in the region, and inspired the durzagon warlord Nalifarn to overthrow Firehammer Hold, creating an atmosphere of fear. He positioned his agent Laszlo and Laszlo's puppet organization, the Union of Eternal Wisdom, as saviors to the common folk of Daggerford, turning the leadership of Daggerford to the Union's favor and eventually asserting telepathic control over Daggerford's leader, Duke Maldwyn Daggerford.

Ultimately, Ssilinauth failed. Adventurers led by elven scout Aust and Tuigan totem warrior Yinhua thwarted Ssilinauth's plots at every turn, killing Nalifarn, ending the orc threat at Harpshield Castle, and reuniting a previous generation of adventurers: Jekk Ironfist, Isteval, and Darfin Floshin. Together, they eventually revealed Laszlo's true nature and killed both him and Duke Maldwyn.

Its plans in ruins, the leadership of the Serpent Hills expelled Ssilinauth. The anathema's ego couldn't process its failure, and it fled with a few followers to Firehammer Hold. There, it enacted a ritual it believed would lead to its divine ascension. Once again, adventurers thwarted it, led by Jekk Ironfist. This time, however, Ssilinauth was front and center to the conflict, and did not survive.

Neutral Evil
Year of Death
1491 DR
Circumstances of Death
Destroyed by adventurers following failed apotheosis.
Place of Death


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