Forgotten realms+ Campaign Timeline - Neverwinter Nights Timeline

Campaign Timeline - Neverwinter Nights

Year of the Narthex Murders

1482 1483

  • 1482 DR

    20 /2

    Quest - The Gates of Never
    Diplomatic action

    After wintering in the city of Waterdeep, the adventurers have to accept a quest from the Lords' Alliance agent Sildar Hallwinter. They meet his fellow Lords' Alliance agent Dalakhar, and Neverwinter agent Seldra Tylmarandre. They are offered 300 dragons (gold) to escort them and ships full of cargo on Zhentarim trade ships in a four-day sail from Waterdeep to Neverwinter. They accept and prepare to set sail the following morning.

  • 1482 DR

    21 /2

    Set Sail on the Horned Serpent

    The Adventurers board one of three Zhentarim trade ships, the " Horned Serpent" with Seldra Tylmarandre to escort her and the Lords' Alliance cargo safely to Protectors Enclave in Neverwinter. The newly met Captain Xendros and the Adventurers begin to question their travel companion Seldra transporting a strange unmanifested strongbox.

  • 1482 DR

    25 /2

    Stealing of the Crown of Neverwinter
    Life, Crime

    The Thayan Red Wizard Tolivast attacks the Zhentarim trade ship "Horned Serpent" while docked in Neverwinter and steals, the later revealed, Crown of Neverwinter. While undead swarm the ship and Tolivast incapacitates Seldra Tylmarandre destroying the ward strongbox, and taking the crown before the Adventurers can stop him.
