Heart hunter's

The Heart Hunters are the main defense unit for the twin settlements connected to it, Forest heart and River heart.  

Main Duties

The principal duties of The Heart hunter's are to keep the peace in the twin settlements and ensure the will of both settlement leaders is followed. If there are any troublemakers in the settlements, it's their responsibility to put an end to the conflict and, if necessary, to bring those who broke the peace in front of their leader for judgment. As with everything else in these settlements, the current conflict with Entrelai is bringing changes to their responsibilities.
Forest Heart
Since the appointment of The heart of the forest as the official leader of the joined forest militia, The Heart hunters' responsibilities for this settlement have subdivided into three groups:
  • Their usual duties to safeguard the settlement peace.
  • To ensure no inner threat breaks the joined forest militia and act on information received from River Heart if necessary.
  • To serve as first lieutenants to Forest heart and aid them as chief of the joined forest militia.
  • River Heart
    With the increased militarization of Forest heart, River heart started to assume more intelligence duties. The Heart hunters' duties changed to reflect this:
  • To ensure the routes to both settlements are respected.
  • To keep peace between the tribes, with covert operations if necessary.
  • To ensure information between the Peninsula and River heart is always up to date.


    Traditionally, the Heart hunter's are chosen by any of the leaders of the twin settlements. They are usually expert trackers and valiant warriors, trusted by their community and generally close to their leader before the nomination. But with the increase in hostilities, this nomination process is also changing. Now in Forest heart, tribe politics are coming into place to ensure everyone feels represented in the joined army, and more frequently than not, intelligence expertise is as well valued as tracking expertise in River heart. In any case, anyone who joins the ranks of the Heart hunter's is considered an expert in their field, even if the number of fields that are considered for nominations has increased of late. So a nomination is considered a great honor and rarely rejected.

    Cover image: by Larisa Koshkina


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    Aug 7, 2024 03:48 by Marjorie Ariel

    I like how you describe the way the changing environment has affected them.