Cyraneed Empire


The Cyraneed Empire is led by it's empress, Syllia Norwenys. Each subregion in the nation is governed by a different administration, but the empress may overrule any political decisions that the administrations make.


Cyraneed culture, being a nation mostly comprised of fey races, is largely based around the natural order. All living creatures have the same value, but those at the top of the nation's artificial heirarchy are deemed to be chosen guardians of the natural order.

Public Agenda

The Cyraneed Empire wishes to instill the natural order into every nation in Numira. They will implement this at any cost, even if it takes mass colonization or a second Wild Hunt.


The Cyraneed Empire has very few major settlements. Most of their population lives deep in the jungle in small groups. Their infrastructure is poor because they don't want to harm the environment whatsoever. Their military is large and well-trained, but they have very little naval power.


Founded in 249 SE from the ashes of the Wild Hunt, the Cyraneed Empire has long engaged in hyper-militaristic diplomacy (and lack thereof).

Demography and Population

The Cyraneed Empire has mostly elves, kobolds, and other fey races living within it's borders, but there are many more than that.

Foreign Relations

Currently the Cyranese are in a military pact with the Serenithian Empire, and they are at odds with every other nation (especially Autumnia).

Ordo, Natura, Potestas

Founding Date
249 SE
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Elven Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
  • Raw metal
  • Herbs
  • Stone
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
Major Imports
  • Timber
  • Artisan goods
  • Meat
  • Refined Metal
  • Weapons
  • Armor
Neighboring Nations


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