
Basic Information


Lizardfolk are semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids. Their skin is covered in scales and varies in color from dark green through to shades of brown and gray. Taller than humans and powerfully built, lizardfolk are often between 6 and 7 feet (1.8–2.1 m) tall and weigh between 200 and 250 pounds (90.7–113 kg). Lizardfolk have non-prehensile muscular tails that grow to three or four feet in length, and these are used for balance. They also have sharp claws and teeth.  Although non-reptilians struggle to tell the difference between males and females, lizardfolk can easily distinguish themselves. Lizardfolk have to keep their skin relatively moist and needed to wet their bodies regularly if they are in dry climates. For this reason they are particularly fearful of desert landscapes.

Ecology and Habitats

Lizardfolk are native to the wet portion of Prythwyn, namely the Feywood Tropics and Eastmarsh. They struggle to live anywhere dry, such as the Midlands and Frostrise.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lizardfolk consume as much food as humans tend to.


Lizardfolk have massive interest in money or jewels. They also care much for accumulating knowledge. They largely value things based on whether or not it is good to eat. If it is, it quickly gets their attention; if not, it is less interesting. Lizardfolk can often become distracted at the appearance of food, even if they are in combat. They are easier to parley with after a meal, and a hungry lizardfolk is completely obstreperous. Lizardfolk can be highly dangerous when provoked. However, they are not inherently evil; they are simply primal and have a hard time fitting in with the civilized world. Those that venture into towns or cities are often alarmed, frightened, or offended by the environment. Few try to adapt, let alone assimilate into Prythwyni societies. Instead, they feel their part is to learn about "softskin" ways and in turn show them how "real people" live.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Lizardfolk are most common in the Cyraneed Empire, but they can be found elsewhere.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Lizardfolk, indigenous to the Feywood Tropics and Eastmarsh, exhibit a culture deeply rooted in their natural surroundings and the traditions passed down through generations.   Their society thrives within the lush and dense vegetation of their habitats, characterized by a complex network of marshlands, rivers, and tropical forests. Lizardfolk demonstrate a profound connection to the land, respecting its rhythms and cycles, which reflects in their cultural practices and beliefs.   Within Lizardfolk communities, communal living and cooperation are fundamental principles. They organize themselves into tribes, each led by a chieftain or elder who commands respect and authority. These leaders are often chosen based on their wisdom, strength, and ability to navigate the challenges of their environment.   Lizardfolk culture places great emphasis on strength and prowess in hunting and combat. They are skilled hunters and gatherers, utilizing their natural agility and keen senses to navigate their surroundings adeptly. Their proficiency in survival skills enables them to sustain themselves within the diverse ecosystems of the Feywood Tropics and Eastmarsh.   Spirituality also holds a significant place in Lizardfolk culture. They revere the natural world and the spirits they believe inhabit it. Rituals and ceremonies are conducted to honor these spirits, seeking their guidance and protection in their daily lives.   Despite their fierce reputation, Lizardfolk are not inherently aggressive. They value harmony within their communities and maintain diplomatic relations with neighboring races when necessary. Their allegiance to the Cyraneed Empire, a coalition of elves and other fey, underscores their willingness to cooperate and engage in broader alliances.   In their service to the Cyraneed Empire, Lizardfolk contribute their unique skills and knowledge of the land, serving as scouts, trackers, and warriors. Their loyalty to the empire stems from a sense of duty and the benefits of protection and stability it provides.


Ever since the beggining of the Wild Hunt, lizardfolk have been brave soldiers and privateers within the Cyraneed Empire and its predecessors. They have a knack for warfare, and are typically more brutish than their elven allies.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Lizardfolk hardly ever discriminate.
90 years.
Average Height
6-7 ft.
Average Weight
200-250 lbs.
Geographic Distribution


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