BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



  • jaden is a black cat that has probably been through the most and has achieved the most thanks to Umbra

Divine Domains

The ruby forest

Mental characteristics

Personal history

this takes place on the planet ruby in the forest where the leaves are pink and the grass is silver. Even the cracks in the trees bark glows orange
Section 1
Jaden is a black cat with jade eyes. He wandered into a deadly forest at night on a dare and got lost. Wandering around for a while he found a small pyramid shaped building at the base of a large mountain, it was made of metal and had strange glowing marks on it. He went up to its door and it opened automatically and he walked into it. The building consisted of one room with a bed, a double monitor on a desk, bathroom, closet, and a window.   Everything had a dark tone to it but he was tired so he went to sleep on the bed. After sleeping for a while something woke him up. He heard scratching on the door and around the building. this kept him up all night. By the time it was morning the strange scratching was gone. He went outside and everything seemed normal and the building seemed fine. He didn't think too long on it and started to look for food. but he didn't have to look for long. The trees around the building had plenty of fruit. he took and ate some but made sure not to take a lot.   He explored around the surrounding area and made sure he did not get lost this time. While searching around he found a large hole in the ground that looked like it went on forever. He left it alone and went back to the building and got on the computer and surprisingly it worked and worked well. he got online to see what's been going on and he saw pictures of this thing in the sky. saying that it was able to deliver packages right to you no matter where you were. He really wanted to use it but he had no money and no way to get it. he decided to start live streaming since it was the only thing that seemed to work normal as well as other online interactions that really require you to do something.   he started to stream games and made a little money but not much. He even did sleeping streams and letting people hear the strange scratching. because he had nothing better to do. He started not wanting to go home and just live in the building. That's when people started to tell him to go outside and show them what it was. he said he would if he had the right set up but he didn't. that's when people started sending him money and links to buy the stuff.   he ordered the stuff and streamed himself putting the stuff together. it was a floating camera and a mic that was attached to the user. That night he waited for the scratching to start. He stepped out of the door and the scratching stopped. This confused him and his stream. he looked out into the forest and it looked normal and quiet. Then someone pointed out some eyes in the distance with a paid chat message that sounded off into the forest.   That's when he heard a lot of screeching in the distance. he looked into the forest again and that's when he saw them as well as the stream. there was a hoard of creatures rushing at him and then he heard screeching behind him. he turned around and there was one crawling on the building. it lunged at him but he dodged and ran into the building with the door closing behind him. that's when instead of scratching there were loud bangs, and screeching.   He ran and sat on the bed and started crying. His stream started comforting him and after a while started sending him clips and screenshots of the creatures. Nobody knows what they were and there were a lot of them so they started calling them Lurkers because of how you could not hear them running or how you didn't know they were there till they presented themselves. The lurkers went viral and his stream blew up and people wanted to see more footage.   He bought a long range drone with a camera,spot light, and loud speaker and connected it to his stream. Then waited till the start of the next night before the scratching. When he was ready instead of the door he dropped the drown out of the window and started flying around the building and the surrounding forest. his stream recognized the forest and mountain and wondered how he got so deep. he showed them the big hole he found and the fruit trees.   then the scratching started. He went back to the building and at the very top there it was. he stayed a good distance away from it but close enough to where he could see. he turned on the speakers and just yelled at it. it let out a loud screech and lunged at the drone.   it was not able to jump far enough and fell. not long after you could hear the others screeching. He flew up for a birds eye view and there were tons of them gathering around the building. even with all of them you could not hear them run. The creatures covered the building and tree tops to try to get to the drone not being able to get to it.   he got as close as he could and led them away from the house and to the large hole. Most of them fell down the hole and that's when you could hear foot steps and this Large reddish thing came out into the open around the hole. it jumped at the drone and took it out. Footage of it went viral and everybody was talking about his stream. They called it the Mother Lurker. This footage made him a lot of money and every body was looking in on his stream for live footage. he bought a lot of cameras and set them up around the forest during the day. then at night the cameras could see the lurkers pass by. He made a website to view the cameras.   The thing he noticed was that the building took no damage at all, it was perfectly fine. this was something good to know. he went to gather more food and found that the lurkers ravaged the trees that held fruit. He went back inside and ordered some food instead. Later a drone came down and dropped a package. He started ordering food more often and started gaining a little weight on his lower body and a little on top.  
Section 2
____________________________________________________________________________________________   After a stream one day after everything died down he went to bed and started to do the self Naughties then Out of nowhere a voice said "show More". His stream was still one they donated a lot of money. That Night he did a Lewd Stream People started to donate a lot of money so that's what he aimed his streams at. More people started to watch and donate money for it. He did this for a good few months before things really changed for his living situation   During one of his Streams His door suddenly opened. There was this wolf guy standing at the door. He walked in and they just stared at each other for a while even though Jaden was Naked at the time. Jaden asked who he was and he responded "Umbra. Jaden was confused and asked Umbra how he got in.   Umbra responded"The door. It just opened so i walked in and saw you." Jaden could not really gather his thoughts since he hasn't really talked to someone for so long. Umbra just asked for points of interest around the area. Jaden offered to show him saying that he needed to get out of the house. Jaden put on some clothes and they walked out the door together. Jaden just kept looking at Umbra and Umbra asked Jaden what his name was. Of course Jaden responded"Jaden". Umbra just kept walking with him till they got to this big hole. Umbra look down the hole and asked Jaden if he knows what's at the bottom. Jaden said that there were dead monsters down there. Umbra started to crawl down the side of the hole.   Umbra just said he wants to see it and to wait for him there. Jaden waited for him and after awhile something flew out of the hole. It was Umbra. Jaden asked what he saw. Umbra said "There is another world down there with monsters everywhere. Even the gravity changes in the middle of the hole". Umbra grabbed Jadens hand and jumped into the hole head first. Jaden screamed and then he saw light and when they came out on the other side he stopped screaming and had an expression of fear. There were a ton of Lurkers. Every thing looked dead and they were also bigger and louder than the ones he has seen before. They fell back through the hole and one jumped after them. When they landed on the other side it started lunging at Umbra. Umbra grabbed it by its mouth and punched it and what followed was a huge bang that knocked down some trees in the area and vaporized the monster.   Jaden was Shocked and passed out. When he woke back up he was in his bed and heard someone talking. he sat up to find Umbra was talking to his stream. Jaden remembered what happened and asked Umbra how he did that. "what did i do" Umbra responded. "How did you punch so hard?" Jaded asked. Umbra explained to Jaden That he was God who was just in the area exploring trying to see something new and just happened to come across a random building in the middle of the forest. Umbra Stayed with Jaden for a while and even helped with his stream sometimes(the game one).   Jaden found out that umbra created the delivery service and started to get free food and items. Over time they became Best friends.  
Section 3
____________________________________________________________________________________________ Jaden fell in love with umbra but umbra did not feel the same but they would cuddle in bed. Jaden was fine with just that. Umbra would come and visit often and soon Jaden went to Umbras home planet. Somehow Jaden got involved in a military unit that fought monsters and made lots of friends. One day one of the monsters killed all of his friends and ripped him in half. He called for help and remembered his best friend is a god. He called out for Umbra and in and instant he appeared. Umbra saw what the problem was and Killed the monster and kept it for research. Umbra healed Jaden and Jaden decided to keep the scars to remember that he is weak and couldn't protect his friends. Jaden wanted to be as strong as umbra. He wanted to be a god.   Umbra offered him to be a demi-god if he would train his mind and body for it. Jaden took the offer and started to train under a master with one other person. Jaden got stronger and became more mature. Umbra gave Jaden the power of God Auras. Jaden went on to live a quiet life knowing he could protect the ones he loved. He even found a boyfriend. Umbra is still his best friend.





Best Friend (Important)

Towards Umbra




Best Friend (Important)

Towards Jaden




Jaden knows what Umbra can do and the people he can save but decides not to he get on Umbra about it but they are still Best Friends

Divine Classification
Jade green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black fur


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