Lieutenant 1st Class

Lieutenant First Class Ellen Louise Ripley was a civilian adviser to the United States Colonial Marine Corps and a hugely influential figure in humanity's encounters with the species Xenomorph XX121. She was the mother of Amanda Ripley-McClaren and the forebear of Alan Decker.   Beginning her career as a warrant officer with Weyland-Yutani Corporation's commercial freight operations, Ripley was assigned to USCSS Nostromo in 2122 when it encountered a single Xenomorph unintentionally collected from the moon Acheron (LV-426). The event led to the death of the rest of Nostromo's crew and the destruction of the ship, and Ripley's encounter with the Xenomorph would fundamentally alter the course of her life.   Later promoted to Lieutenant First Class and attached to the Colonial Marines as a civilian adviser, Ripley would go on to have several more encounters with the creatures over the following decades, before eventually sacrificing herself on Fiorina "Fury" 161 to put an end to the Alien menace once and for all. Her exploits ensured that she was well-known among groups and individuals that dealt with the Xenomorph for decades, even centuries, after her death.  

Early life

Ellen Ripley was born on January 7, 2092 at the Olympia colony on Luna. On January 7, 2094, an outbreak of XMB Virus on Earth's moon led to the colony being quarantined for sixteen years. Ripley spent her childhood in a lunar quarantine facility and ultimately tested negative for XMB, [MEDSCAN CERT#90156E].   After gaining a Masters in engineering from New York Aeronautics University, Ripley served with the US Merchant Navy aboard Zelazny, where she acted as co-pilot. She eventually met and married her husband Alex, and during a layover between trips they conceived their first child. Despite the fact that it violated Weyland-Yutani regulations, Ripley allowed the pregnancy to come to term, eventually resulting in the birth of her daughter Amanda. She was not disciplined for this transgression. Amanda was delivered at home, in the presence of her husband, a doctor and a nurse. Although Alex begged Ripley to take drugs to dull the pain of birth, she refused out of fear that her history of taking cryodrugs for extended space travel may lead to unforeseen complications.   Alex would later leave Ripley when Amanda was three years old, and had no further contact with either mother or daughter. Ripley later remarried to Paul Carter, although the relationship was just as disorderly as her last one. Amanda did not get along with Carter and ran away from home multiple times.   By the 2120s, Ripley was living in a small town on the coast of El Salvador and serving as a warrant officer and third-in-command aboard the commercial freighter USCSS Nostromo. Prior to the vessel's fateful final voyage in 2122, Ripley attempted to renegotiate her contract with Weyland-Yutani so that she could take a leave of absence and spend more time with Amanda. Eventually Ripley and the company reached a compromise whereby she would agree to serve aboard Nostromo for its forthcoming voyage to Thedus and take her leave subsequently.


Family Ties

Alex (husband, formerly)
Paul Carter (husband, formerly)
Amanda Ripley-McClaren (daughter)
Alan Decker (descendant)
"Final report of the commercial starship Nostromo, third officer reporting. The other members of the crew — Kane, Lambert, Parker, Brett, Ash and Captain Dallas — are dead. Cargo and ship destroyed. I should reach the frontier in about six weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off."
— Ripley
Date of Birth
January 7, 2092
Date of Death
August 11, 2179
2092 2179 87 years old
Olympia, Luna, United Americas
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by DALLE


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