Located on the edge of known space and settled by famous industrialist and xenobotanist Henry De Pype, the colony on Rim was destroyed under mysterious circumstances in 2179. A Colonial Marine contingent responding to a distress call found the colony of Pype’s Dream to be suffering from a redacted outbreak. The platoon came under attack by unknown forces and suffered near total losses. To contain the epidemic, the atmospheric processor’s reactor was purposely set to overload. Only two survivors escaped Rim—USCMC Corporal David Wilks and a young colonist named Billie. Both were cleared of contagion some months later, sworn to never speak of the incident, and released.   While the planet’s atmosphere was damaged by the reactor’s explosion, the ECA has recently cleared the planet for recolonization. The 340-kilometer area of the former colony is a radiation dead zone, so caution is recommended. Nearing completion, the new colony is to be called Pype’s Line for the many pumps and conduits used to siphon the crude oil deposits from deep under the irradiated zone safely to the colony kilometers away.   GJ1105BC “RIM” Location: −6.8 Rimward, 0.2 Spinward
Affiliation: Formerly UA and Bionational
Classification: Terrestrial planet, terraformed
Climate: Rainy weather, breathable atmosphere
Mean Temperature: 0°C
Terrain: Barren wasteland
Colonies: Pype’s Dream, destroyed. Planet cleared for recolonization.
Population: Formerly 211, now none
Key Resources: Crude oil, neodymium
Solar System
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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