When several mineral assets were discovered in the Omni Ceti system, the fourth planet was colonized by the Omni-tech corporation in 2085. A domed colony was set on the surface of Mira Ceti IV and terraforming efforts began using traditional techniques. After 15 years of terraforming and mining, the colony sent out a distress signal. With their cargo fleet spread thin and no Colonial Coast Guard in place yet, it took the nearest Omni-tech ship four and a half years to respond.   Of the 532 colonists assigned there, only 104 severely mutilated bodies were found. Investigators concluded the colony succumbed to a mass hysteria that resulted in deaths and rioting. Panicked survivors must have fled into the catacombs and wastelands and died of exposure there. Conspiracy theorists claim the colony was attacked by technologically advanced alien lifeforms, who killed those who resisted and took the others back to their home world as slaves. The recently leaked journals of a colonist named Lumley suggest that a demonic entity was summoned and dragged the missing colonists back to hell with it. While pure nonsense, the journals have revived interest in the Tulitu esoteric brotherhood that Lumley belonged to.  


Location: −5.9 Rimward, 1.2 Spinward
Affiliation: ECA, UA
Classification: Terrestrial planetoid, partially terraformed
Climate: Breathable but stale air with no discernible winds
Mean Temperature: 8°C
Terrain: Barren mountains, super canyons, and yawning quarries
Colonies: One, abandoned. Planet cleared for recolonization.
Population: None. Formerly 532
Key Resources: Yttrium and Dysprosium
Solar System
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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