An aqua-culture colony world, Bracken’s World is covered with shallow seas and a small population of kelp farmers and their support facilities. It has abundant marine life, including large achelate crustaceans. Alphatech maintains an outpost among the kelp bed farms on this world and a mining facility on its moon.  


Bracken's World was administrated by the colony's governor and his council, with the planet's kelp and fish farms were divided into sectors.   A team of Colonial Marines from the USS Melville led by Lieutenant Joseph Henry traveled to Bracken's World to investigate a surface anomaly that was believed to be a marine base. The Marines discovered that the surface anomaly was an unrecorded Alphatech listening outpost located amongst the kelp bed farms. The Marines were promptly ambushed by mutant cultists known as 'Bug-Men' and aquatic Xenomorphs before escaping to Sector 1, a small harbour colony and the planet's primary population center, which they then defended against another assault by the Xenomorphs. The mercenary Herk Mondo lent his support during the latter part of the engagement at Sector 1 and assisted the Marine team in defending it. Many of the kelp farms on Bracken's World were destroyed during the Xenomorph attack, and would take years to restore.  

Flora and fauna

Kelp was farmed on Bracken's World. The planet possessed abundant marine life, including various species of fish and large achelate crustaceans. Aquatic Xenomorphs were also somehow present on Bracken's World.  

Climate and terrain

The climate on Bracken's World ranged from tropical to cool, with occasional gales and tsunamis occurring. The mean temperature was 27°C, and the atmosphere was breathable for humans. The planet was occasionally subject to a toxic, metal-laden fog that jammed communications. The surface of Bracken's World was aquatic and featured no solid land.  


Key resources on Bracken's World included sushi, kelp, fish, and byproducts thereof.  
Location under
Owning Organization

Articles under GLIESE 326-3827B BRACKEN’S WORLD

Cover image: by DALLE


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