Created at the beginning of the 22nd century, Alphatech Hardware Inc. began by providing weapons to the national armed services of South Asia, the Middle East, and the Pacific Rim. In the 2130s, Alphatech shifted its focus to the Central Space Consortium (CSC) and made significant advancements in magnetic monopole technology. This technological leap allowed Alphatech to purchase the military contractor Decisive Solutions, solidifying its position as a leading supplier to the private military forces of the CSC's successor state, the Independent Core Systems Colonies (ICSC).   With the onset of the Frontier War in 2184, the United Americas and the United States Colonial Marine Corps (USCM) took a hostile stance against the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. During this conflict, Alphatech supplied the UA with crucial military equipment, including light weapons, vehicles, and railguns. By 2183, Alphatech's major facilities included Alphatech ICMC64372 Sector Base, a clandestine listening post hidden amongst the kelp farms of the ocean planet Bracken's World, and the Joliet Mining Facility on the orbiting moon of Joliet.  

Bug-Men Incident

During its operations, Alphatech engaged in researching the Xenomorph species at Alphatech Research Station 2378, located in orbit around the star HD122303 on the Frontier. This research was disrupted when the station and the nearby Alphatech Communication Array were attacked by the mutant extremist Ernst Kleist and his Bug-Men. Kleist used the communications array as his base of operations, launching numerous terrorist attacks in the sector under the guise of the deceased USCM Major Alan Bradshaw.   Fearing the public fallout from these attacks, Alphatech chartered the USCM vessel USS Melville and sent executive Beliveau, along with a security detachment, to the communication array under false pretenses to investigate the incident and absolve Alphatech of any responsibility. However, the USCM was somewhat aware of the true nature of the mission and, fearing a Xenomorph outbreak, commissioned the advanced Synthetic Liston to monitor Alphatech's activities.   The mission ended disastrously, with Beliveau, his security team, and all Marines from the Melville perishing. Despite the carnage, Kleist was ultimately dispatched, and the communication array was destroyed. In the aftermath, Liston filed his final report, confirming Kleist's involvement and clearing Alphatech of all charges against the company.  

Operations and Facilities

Alphatech Hardware Inc. is a major military contractor known for its specialization in weapon production, vehicle manufacturing, mining, and waste management. Their operations are extensive and diverse, with significant facilities including:  
Alphatech ICMC64372 Sector Base
A clandestine listening post located on Bracken's World, designed for covert surveillance and intelligence gathering.  
Joliet Mining Facility
An extensive mining operation on the orbiting moon of Joliet, contributing significantly to Alphatech's resource extraction capabilities.

Trade & Transport

  • Weapon production
  • Military vehicle production
  • Mining
  • Waste management
  • "Alphatech knows magnetics"

    Corporation, Conglomerate

    GLIESE 326-3827 SYSTEM
    Bracken's World
    HD 122303
    HIP 67090

    Cover image: by DALLE


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