Joliet was a small moon orbiting the planet Bracken's World. At one point in time, Joliet was the site of a Xenomorph outbreak.  


Located less than a day's sub–light travel from the planet Bracken's World, Joliet was colonized by Alphatech Hardware, which established the automated Joliet Mining Facility on its surface. At some point, Alphatech executive Beliveau stashed weapons in a hidden cache within the facility and stationed an Alphatech Assault Craft near one of the local Atmosphere Processing Plants. Joliet was later invaded by Xenomorphs, and a taskforce of synthetics led by the Shop Steward mounted a precarious defense.   After the destruction of the United States Colonial Marine Corps starship USS Melville on Bracken's World, USCM Lieutenant Joseph Henry and his unit headed to the Joliet Mining Facility to retrieve the weapons. After a fierce firefight against the Xenomorphs, the Marines seized the arms and boarded the assault craft, making their escape.  

Climate and terrain

The atmosphere on Joliet was breathable.   Economy Mining was a major industry on Joliet.   Points of interest Alphatech's Joliet Mining Facility was located on Joliet.
Planetoid / Moon
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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