Located in unclaimed space, LHS-1140 is a red dwarf star system with three rocky planets. The planet LHS 1140b is a super-Earth in the habitable zone and transits the star every 24.7 days. Gravity on the planet is 2G. Anyone on the surface will have trouble moving around and get a −2 modification to all MOBILITY, CLOSE COMBAT, and STAMINA rolls. After a period of acclimation (D6 days), this modification disappears.  


Location: −5.3 Rimward, 10.9 Spinward
Affiliation: NAPRO
Classification: Terrestrial super earth
Climate: Moist, thick, and hard to breath
Mean Temperature: 25°C
Terrain: Shallow valleys with subterranean seas and low-lying lichen forests
Colonies: None
Population: None
Key Resources: Mercury and cerium
Solar System
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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